I’ve been getting the question recently, “Whatcha working’ on?” Amongst friends and family the expectation seems to be, “You finished Time Heist, so you’re probably done with that whole writing thing now, right?”

Uh… nope. If writing were a rustic cowboy in the mountains I would definitely be looking him in the eyes whispering,

i cant quit you

And then we’d go off to the tent and do writerly things.

But no, there is much more on the horizon. Some of which ya’ll might even be excited to hear about.
So, throughout the month of December I’ve been grinding through the second drafts of Infinity Lost and Mind Breach. These stories have been stressful for me because I’m taking a step back from my typical First-Person storytelling style (which is pretty much my bread and butter).

But a man can’t live on bread and butter alone, he’s gonna need some meat and potatoes. Perhaps the occasional bag of jelly beans, tub of gummy worms, and vat of ice cream. So I’m working on my weaknesses as a storyteller and doing something a little bit outside my comfort zone with both Infinity Lost and Mind Breach.

Infinity Lost, for those that don’t know, is book 1.5 in the Firstborn Saga. It’s coming in around 35,000 words, so not an insignificant amount of story, but not a full length feature, either.

Infinity Lost is set a century or so before Time Heist, though it’s not to be read as a prequel, per se. The story follows through the eyes of Daniel Brandt, and really flushes out the backstory of Unity and the Life Tracker i.e.: how those things both came about.

Mind Breach is book two in the Firstborn Saga, picking up shortly after the end of Time Heist. I love this story because it handles such a huge, diverse cast of characters (which has been like wrestling a hydra covered in KY jelly… but in a good way.)

These two stories I’ll hopefully have out in the beginnings of February and March respectively.
For those of you interested in the shorter works like Parallel and Sins of the Father, there’s another novella called Purgatory that should be coming out sometime near the end of January. This is a fun little short story that those who followed me on WeaklyShortStories will be semi-familiar with.

So yeah, I’ve been a busy beaver between those three works and two side-projects: one is a YA fantasy series called Death Detectives (Deathtectives? Maybe, if you like lisps), and the other is a novella called Three Days From Now (both of these are somewhere in first draft form but are both mega-awesome stories I’m excited to share).

Want to keep up on the Firstborn Saga and everything else coming out of One Lazy Robot?

Pop on over to OneLazyRobot.com, sign up for my NEWSLETTER, and not only will you get updates on New Releases, but I’ll send you a free copy of either Parallel or Sins of the Father, your choice.



  1. leebalanarts on January 2, 2015 at 11:48 pm

    You are a very funny guy – and a busy bee with lots of pokers in the fire. Good luck on all your projects.

    • AntVicino on January 3, 2015 at 12:26 am

      I do like poking fires, it’s true. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. eloisedesousa on January 3, 2015 at 2:55 am

    Haha! Good luck. Looks like you’ve got yourself a plan for the upcoming months. Now if I could just be as organised!

    • AntVicino on January 3, 2015 at 6:48 pm

      I believe in you, and to prove it here’s a stack of sticky notes and highlighters. *these are purely imaginational by the way*

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