Yeah, you read that correctly. The paperback version of Time Heist is finally out. A whole day before the digital version, no less.

How is such a thing possible? Well, I’ve decided that before the paperback version goes live on Amazon, I would offer you all an opportunity to pick up a copy directly from my distributor for only $9.99, which is $3 off its going rate over at Amazon.

Want to get your copy? Follow this LINK, or click on the picture below to be taken over to CreateSpace where for the next few days only, you can grab a copy of Time Heist for less than $10!

Already pre-ordered the digital version? No worries! Look for that to be uploaded to your Kindle reading device tomorrow!

Time Heist



  1. The Accidental Poet on December 27, 2014 at 3:44 am

    The book looks intriguing. Thank you for your kind words about my post. Keep stopping back to visit. If you like what you ready, spred the word.

  2. Dr Rupert Harker on December 31, 2014 at 2:26 am

    Any plans to release it in the UK?

    • Dr Rupert Harker on December 31, 2014 at 2:27 am

      PS – love the cover

    • AntVicino on December 31, 2014 at 2:41 am

      Hey Rupert, thanks for the kind words about the cover. Down below I’ve attached a link to the Amazon UK site if youre interested in grabbing a copy. Though I’ll give you a heads up that on Janurary 1st you can nab the ebook for 99cents, which I’m not sure how that equates in the UK, but its quite a bit cheaper regardless.

  3. Dr Rupert Harker on January 2, 2015 at 9:49 am

    Downloaded it from Amazon UK.
    I’ll get a review up when I’ve read it.

    Best wishes

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