Today’s a special day…

Did you know that exactly three years ago today, Time Heist was launched out into the Universe?

Since November 15th, 2014, Time Heist has sold over 20,000 copies, hit #1 on Amazon’s Top-100 chart for Science Fiction, and been adapted into a critically accclaimed audiobook performed by none other than Adam Verner.

It’s been a whirlwind ride, but the adventure is just beginning.

In fact, as of today, three years later…The Firstborn Saga continues…

Mind Breach Has Landed!


A Mind Divided Cannot Stand

Tom Mandel is either a villain or a saint, depending on who you ask. He’s already died once in the fight for Unity. He’ll do it again if needed, but he’d rather it didn’t come to that. In the battle to come, however, he might not have much of a choice.

A mysterious imprint, grafted onto the mind of Division Agent Mika Frost, holds the key to stopping Tom Mandel and his terrorist cell, Castle. Survival means uncovering the secret hidden inside her own mind, before it’s too late. If she fails, Unity will fall. She won’t let that happen.


[button link=”” type=”big”] Now available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and Itunes. Grab your copy today for only $3.99![/button]

Dii from says:

“Enter the world of Anthony Vicino once again as he takes us deeper into his world of science fiction, where man and machine become integrated, while man becomes the pawn of the machine he created and the mind is no longer a unique and private place to go, where deaths can be manipulated to re-birth a more perfect specimen or destroy the greatest threats.

MIND BREACH is a fascinating, if dark journey into a world in crisis, one that threatens to remove all individuality by any means. Good versus evil? Yes, but this time set in an action-packed world unlike anything you have ever known. Razor sharp tension and an atmosphere of conflicted loyalties make this non-stop visit into a bleak future an incredible continuation of the Firstborn Saga.”

Haven’t checked out Time Heist yet?

Well you’re in luck, cause for a limited time you can hop straight into book one of The Firstborn Saga for only $0.99.

That means you could pick up the entire Firstborn Saga for less than $5!

[button link=””] Time Heist only $0.99 for a limited time only![/button]


A Thank You Before You Go!

A huge thanks to everybody whose taken the time to read and review either Time Heist or Mind Breach. I can’t tell you guys how much it means to me (and all authors, really) when you take time out of your busy, busy schedules to leave a quick review of our stories.

Whether it’s on Amazon, Goodreads, or graffiti’ed on the side of a urinal, reviews help. If you’ve enjoyed The Firstborn Saga up to this point, do me a favor, and consider leaving a quick words on a site of your choosing.


Now it’s time to go back into the word-mine and see what we can dig up for Soul State (the epic conclusion to The Firstborn Saga!)

Happy Reading!

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  1. Michael on November 15, 2017 at 5:18 pm


    • Anthony Vicino on November 15, 2017 at 5:20 pm

      Thanks, Michael! Appreciate the support.

  2. Tommy Muncie on November 16, 2017 at 3:53 pm

    Was going to save this for tomorrow night and then decided to go for a whisky-fuelled review session right after finishing it…it’s a school-night and look what yer fuckin’ book made me do! This is the version where I try to write like a crit magazine actually hired me. It’s on Goodreads too, but tomorrow I’ll do a more reader/Amazon friendly cut of it and stick it up on there as well.

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