Preorder Mind Breach Today!

That’s right. Mind Breach is coming and there’s little you, me, or those blasted, meddling kids can do to stop it. At this point we might as well curl into little balls and await the inevitable destruction.

Wait…why am I coaching the release of Time Heist’s sequel in such cataclysmic terms? That seems like a questionable marketing decision.

This should be a time of much rejoicing and merrimaking, so what’ya say? Wanna go make some merry <–Pretty sure that’s not actually a thing people say, but I’m going to play it off with confidence and machismo.

Mind Breach (the long, long awaited sequel to Time Heist) is officially available for preorder at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Itunes, Google, and pretty much anywhere else you get books these days for $3.99.


[button link=”” type=”big”] Preorder Mind Breach for only $3.99![/button]

Go ahead and snag yourself a copy right now and then when the book releases on November 15th, it’ll just magically appear on your e-reader of choice and it’ll feel like you’re at Hogwarts or something.

What’re you waiting for? Go grab a copy. Do it now. No worries, this blog post ain’t goin’ nowhere. We’ll wait for you to get back.

See, now doesn’t that feel better? Wait, did you really just go and secure your copy?

Wow. That’s amazing! Thank you. Seriously. A million high-fives to you, my friend!

Interesting fact about November 15 is that it’s almost exactly (to the day) 3 years after the release of Time Heist.

You’re probably thinking, “Damn, that’s a long time to write a book.” And you’d be right. It is.

I’ve written extensively in recent months about the mental, physical, and spiritual war I waged with this book. In the end, Mind Breach left me with some pretty sexy (and some not so pretty sexy) scars. What’s that? You’re a masochist and want to read more about my suffering.

Alright then. Here ya go. Enjoy.

The Sequel Nearly Broke Me

You’d think publishing the damn thing would bring an end to the pain and suffering, but oh, sweet summer child, you’d be wrong. Oh so very wrong.

Now is the time I get to wait with my stomach kinked in knots, awaiting feedback from readers who were lucky (or unlucky depending on your perspective) enough to get their hands on an Advance Review Copy of Mind Breach.

Mind Breach picks up six months after where Time Heist left off and is written in a new fandangled way from Time Heist.

In Time Heist we followed the story from beginning to end through the eyes of a single character, Tom Mandel. In Mind Breach, things change. The world grows. The story convolutes. And we’re given four characters through which to view unfolding events.

Writing Mind Breach was creatively a challenge for me. It pushed the limits of my craft. In the end, however, I am very happy with the story being told and I can’t wait to share it with you all.

Already I’ve been receiving questions about whether or not Mind Breach will be on audio, to which I say, “Yes! But of course!” The caveat there being the fact that Mind Breach will not be available on audio until the end of December.

I apologize to you audiophiles out there, but rest assured, your ear-venture is coming.

Enough babbling from me for now. A huge thank you, thank you, thank you to everybody who’s helped bring Mind Breach into existence and to all of you who are so kind, and beautiful, and smart, and smelly (good smelly) who’ve preordered a copy of Mind Breach. I can’t tell you how much your support means!


  1. Candice Coates on November 1, 2017 at 9:04 pm

    Congrats on your ‘scars’, sexy and otherwise, no matter how long it took you to get them. I wish you much success with Mind Breach.

  2. Anonymous on November 1, 2017 at 9:21 pm

    Awesome Anthony! I don’t know if I’m the only one that has the digital, print, and audio version of Time Heist, but I do. The audio was fantastic, and I hope that you get a similar quality to this one. I’ll be looking forward to it, but I might pick up the other versions before then. 🙂

    • Anthony Vicino on November 1, 2017 at 9:58 pm

      Ha, you and my dad might be the only people in existence with the full trifecta! Fingers crossed the Mind Breach audio comes out as good as Time Heist. Adam Verner really knocked it out of the park with TH.

  3. Nthato Morakabi on November 7, 2017 at 3:59 am

    This sounds amazing! I’m going to check it out right now!

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