Interview with Leslie Roberts of CJAD 800


[box] Listen above to the chat I had with Leslie Roberts about The Power of Decision.[/box]

The article I wrote for Medium a couple weeks back (The Power of Decision) caught on in kind of a big way. Thanks in large part to the popularity of that blog post, I’m now one of Medium’s top writers in the Creativity, Psychology, Writing, Inspiration, and Productivity.

[button link=”″ type=”big”] Click here to read The Power of Decision [/button]


It’s humbling (and a bit staggering) to see the numbers of people perusing my words. My heart is still primarily in writing fiction, but there’s something incredibly cathartic about writing about non-fiction.

Sharing the struggles that have defined my writing career, and imparting a bit of the wisdom I’ve learned through years of studying, trial and error, and pure unadultered flailing has been rewarding in ways I hadn’t anticipated.

Many interesting opportunities have arisen as a result of The Power of Decision. One of which was the opportunity to chat on a live radio talk show yesterday with Leslie Roberts of CJAD 800 (a Canadian based station).

Fighting the Resistance

This was unlike anything I’d ever done before and was more than mildly stressful. Most of you are unlikely to know that I am terrified of talking on telephones. It causes serious social anxiety, which is strange ’cause I have zero problems getting in front of large bodies of people and warbling out words. There’s just something about not being seeing the other person, and the resulting body language, that makes me feel dumb, deaf, and blind whenever I get on the phone.

In the time between accepting the invitation, and hopping on the phone, I probably tried backing out at least 1,203 times. I kept telling myself, this is a waste of time. You’re stressing yourself out unnecessarily. What’s the point?

But I’m a firm believer that it’s the things that cause your mind to react in that way, the things that make you want to run away, are precisely the things you must run towards. No matter how hard it is, how uncomfortable it makes you, or how desperately you wish to be doing something else…you must show up.

Showing up is the surest way to success.

Now, will this interview lead to any more opportunities, or will it truly be a waste of time? Hells if I know. And honestly, it doesn’t really matter. Because by facing my resistance yesterday, I already reaped my reward. I won a battle that would have been all too easy to concede.

[box] What battle are you going to fight today? Get down to the comments and let me know![/box]


  1. Ryan Middlebrook on September 30, 2017 at 1:24 am

    Killing it AV. Keep at it.

    • Anthony Vicino on September 30, 2017 at 2:34 am

      Thanks, Ryan! I appreciate the support!

  2. Nicolas Mattia on October 4, 2017 at 10:29 am

    Glad you faced up and did the interview, I heard it live on the radio and was very interested in what you had to say. When it was done I googled your blog and have been reading it since. Keep up the good work !

    • Anthony Vicino on October 4, 2017 at 12:06 pm

      That’s great to hear, Nicolas! Getting to connect with even a single listener makes it all worth it!

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