
I have a degree in Psychology, and tend to look at the personality tests floating around the internet as nothing more than a scummy film of rancid entertainment. We’ve all seen them trickling down our Facebook news-feed:

Which Game of Thrones character are you? Take the personality quiz to find out!

Are you an apple or a grape? Take this personality quiz…

Surely we all recognize these for the inanity they are, and yet they persist because, stupid or not, they are kind of fun.

Whatever, I’m not here to yuck anybody’s yum. If that’s what you’re into, you do you.

But generally speaking, the field of Psychology looks at personality tests with a fair amount of skepticism. Even the much lauded Myers-Briggs is rife with contradictions and methodological flaws.

To find a personality test with any true substance, you’d have to look for something like the MMPI (Minnesota Multi-Phasic Personality Inventory) which is a battery of questions recently streamlined down to only 370 questions that measure an individual across a spectrum of 51 categories.

Whew…that is a monster of a test, and one you can’t even get your hands on without the assistance of a licensed psychologist.

All of this is to say that when I come across a personality test online, I view it through a lens of intense incredulity.

The Fascination Test put out by Sally Hogshead is no different.

Fascination is a neurological state of intense focus, one that creates an irresistible feeling of engagement.

Sally put out a book awhile back called Fascinate: Your 7 Triggers to Persuasion and Captivation, which is more or less the sort of behavior psychology book I just gobble right up like a fat kid with cake.

Your personality has one primary Advantage. It’s how you add value. It’s what makes you different and better. Think of it like a natural superpower for your personality. When you communicate using this Advantage, you earn more attention, and more revenue.

Now, Sally and her crew over at HowToFascinate.com clearly state that their methodology is built on branding, and not psychology, so let’s not take the results of this test as definitive proof of our underlying personality.

It is, however, a fun little exercise to pass 10 minutes and possibly even learn something about how others view yourself.

And that, really, is where this test differs from others I’ve seen. In Hogshead own words:

Most personality tests measure how you see the world. The Fascination Personality Test is different; it looks at cues and signals that you are intentionally or unintentionally sending, to tell you how the world sees you.

If you’ve already done a test such as Myers-Briggs or DiSC or StrengthsFinder, you have a point of view on the way you see things. But with the Fascination Personality Test, you’ll see yourself through the eyes of your clients and co-workers.

Do I think the Fascination Test will uncover any deeply buried, secret truths about you? No, probably not.

Do I think it’s entertaining? Yep.

[button link=”http://www.howtofascinate.com/get-my-profile/assessment” type=”big”] Take the Fascination Personality Test NOW![/button]

My Results

Your Turn

[box] Alright, my fascinating friends, your turn. Pop over and take the Fascination Test and then report your findings in the comment below. Tell me, how accurate was this pseudoscience personality exam for you?[/box]


  1. Nick on October 4, 2017 at 8:38 am

    I’m an Anchor, not surprised by the result.
    Thanks for the read and fun test.

    • Anthony Vicino on October 4, 2017 at 9:12 am

      Nice! Glad you enjoyed the test, Nick. What are the characteristics of an Anchor?

  2. intrepid8 on October 7, 2017 at 1:53 pm

    Interesting test. Or should I say ‘fascinating?’ :O

    As for my method, I generally stick to the MBTI and just build off it.

    Thanks for sharing!

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