Stranger Things splashed down last year on Netflix and made all sorts of waves. It’s an impressive mix of nostalgic throw-back to a simpler time when life was spent nerding out in the basement with a handful of close buddies, coupled with the sort of paranormal horror story you can only truly achieve when the audience has a deeply vested interest in the character’s survival.

There’s a reason this show got a 95% on Rotten Tomato. It’s just that good. If you’ve been dragging your feet on throwing some eyeball time at this series, I’d say you should probably go ahead and knock that off, ’cause Stranger Things season two is right around the corner. Don’t believe me? Check out the trailer below and let the spice…err…psyche floweth.


[box] Who’s all looking forward to season two Stranger Things? Sound off in the comments below. Let’s hear which of these plucky little kids is your favorite? I got dibs on 11![/box]

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