This week’s Monday Motivation is a straight-up kidney punch of intensity as serial entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk lays it all out there nice and neat about the primary thing holding 90% of us back.

This particular video hits close to home for me. I have a soft spot for learning, and if given even half-a-chance I’d happily spend the rest of my life locked inside a library reading up on one subject after another.

Then again, maybe that would crush my soul. ‘Cause the times when I feel the highest level of satisfaction with my life is when I’m creating. Whether that’s a new book, a new blog post, a new video, doesn’t matter. The act of creation gives my life purpose.

As with all creative types, this motivation ebbs and flows. You’re no different. Some days you shit rainbows; other days you shit shit. That’s just how it goes.

It’s easy to pick up a book or watch a YouTube video. That’s escapism, really. Doesn’t matter if the book is educational. Doesn’t matter if your learning. At some point, you gotta stop filling yourself up. At some point you’ve gotta start pouring yourself out.

That’s hard, I know. Pouring yourself out requires intentionality and focus and effort. You can’t escape. You’ve got to stay present.

But it all begins with the simple decision to just start doing. No more planning. No more waiting for perfect conditions. No more convincing yourself that you need this, this, and this before you can start.

Just start doing. Now.



Start doing today. Doesn’t matter what it is, just start.

Then get down to the comments and tell me what you did!

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