“Your need for acceptance can make you invisible to the world.”

Welcome back for another dose of Monday Motivation! We’re gonna kick-start the week with some words from a man known more for being funny than poignant, but there are a couple nuggets in here I think we could all use a reminder on occasion.

First, that our need for acceptance can make us invisible to the world. Keep this at the forefront of your mind this week. Do not conform merely for the sake of acceptance. You should not strive to fit in, because, guess what, you don’t. None of us do. That unique spark of possibility living inside you is unlike anything you’ll find hiding in anybody else. And that’s a good thing. It means you’re one-of-a-kind.

Hand crafted is always higher quality than mass-produced.

What do you want?

Second, it is okay to ask the universe for the thing you want. Now, I don’t subscribe to an understanding of the universe dominated by some all-knowing being, nor do I believe the universe is subconsciously sentient. Asking the universe for the thing you want is not done with the hope that the universe will bestow said thing. It is done to state clearly to yourself, “This is what I want.”

A magical thing happens when you declare this. You suddenly have a target at which to aim yourself. A focus with which to give direction to your life.

Without a target, who knows what you’ll hit.


So what is it that you want from the universe? Get down to the comments and let me (and yourself) know exactly what it is you want out of this crazy ride around the sun.

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  1. Tommy Muncie on October 2, 2017 at 2:08 pm

    Permit me to do this in a writing context: what I want is to ‘beat the chaos.’ That’s how I described it when Nadine at Spectrum books interviewed me on her podcast. I write to sort out things in my head and when I finish a book, that feeling is always ‘I beat the chaos.’ I’ve spent this afternoon writing my tail off, which is probably why I’m in this frame of mind right now, but to frame it within your article, what I’m asking of the universe, in a masochistic sort of way, is ‘Give me shit so I can sort it and make some vague sense of it.’ I’m a bit like a taxonomist: order comes from chaos if you sort it hard enough. That’s why I love being a pantser/discovery writer and don’t feel the need to ‘fit in’ with anyone else’s prescribed approach, or listen to people who say ‘you’ll never succeed unless you do X Y or Z.’ Haven’t watched the video yet as I’m currently in total immersion in my record collection, but will maybe comment again later once I’ve seen it.

  2. Russell J. Fellows on October 2, 2017 at 3:16 pm

    Always interesting thoughts – and not the first time from the funnyman. Thanks for sharing. (While I do believe in the dominant being over all of creation, I do agree with you that sometimes stating what it is we want sets our goal and gives us aim.)

  3. Tommy Muncie on October 2, 2017 at 4:14 pm

    That’s a pretty cool video, I especially like the ‘Fear is writing that script’ part. I watched The Mask again recently as well, it’s still one of the funniest films I think I’ve seen. JC comes across as a little nuts sometimes, but I’ve always wondered who the real man is, and the quotes in that film were a pretty good look at that.

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