Here, bite down on this. It’s time for your weekly jolt of motivation.

This week we’re talking about the single most important thing you can invest your time, money, and energy into: Yourself.

Forget fancy new gadgets designed to make you more productive. Forget get rich schemes promising you the secret formula to success. Forget everything, save this: you are your most valuable possession, and time your most valuable commodity.

Improvement is not something that just magically happens. You do not walk out to your car every morning expecting it to somehow be better than it was the night before. Your house does not reverse the flow of entropy to repair its chipped siding, or crumbling foundation. These things only change through intentionality, effort, and force of will.

You are no different.

You are not better today than you were yesterday. If anything, you’re worst. More settled, less adaptable. Your memory is fading, your body deteriorating. Your foundation is crumbling.

The good news? You can be fixed.

The bad news? It’s really hard work.

The best news? It’s worth it.

The worst news? You won’t do it.

Or will you? I hope you do. I hope you prove me wrong.



So tell me: How are you going to invest in yourself today? Get down to the comments and share.

Don’t forget to hit that share button on Facebook if you know someone who could use a little kick in the butt this Monday morning!



  1. Tommy Muncie on September 25, 2017 at 8:22 pm

    I like this post, probably because I feel I’m on top of these sorts of questions right now. I ran my first half marathon yesterday, and then after the most comatose night’s sleep I’ve had in months I got my latest book going again today after nearly three weeks off (and it’s really not in as desperate a state as I thought, after a few hours tidying up and some new wordcount.) In between, I went shopping for some new clothes and drank some scotch. I do a work-hard-play-hard thing. Not ALL my time has to be spent obsessed with being creative or consuming stuff others have created. Although I admit I do need to read more. But then again, I’ve been reading lots of stuff in German again lately…I’ll save all the stuff about that for my own blog. (Learning languages for me is just as essential as reading in English so when I’m doing it I know I’m using my time well.)

  2. rhondasummer on September 26, 2017 at 6:36 pm

    Wow, we should listen to videos like this all the time.

  3. Nthato Morakabi on September 27, 2017 at 12:06 pm

    It’s a lot of work and no one else but me can do it for me. I sure hope the inspiration stays

    • Anthony Vicino on September 27, 2017 at 12:19 pm

      The inspiration will leave, Nthato. I guarantee that. You just need to be stubborn enough to do the work anyway.

      Doesn’t matter how inspired you are. Keep doing the work, my friend!

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