I’ve been dead to the world this last week ’cause my lady and I have been shoulder deep in a cross country move. At the moment, I write to you from the world’s largest Starbucks which you might be surprised to learn resides in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. (Full disclosure: the title of world’s largest is totally a title I’ve assigned based purely on my subjective perspective).

Anyways, I wanted to stop in and tell you all about a great new book deal I stumbled upon because I know you voracious readers at home are always looking for something new and interesting to lay your eyeballs on.The deal? Well, currently each e-book in Marcus Sakey’s Brilliance Trilogy can be gotted for only $5 each. This is a fantastic deal because usually these books sell at over $10 a pop. I’ve read the first two books in the series and I absolutely loved them. Sakey is a master of the thriller genre and it’s on full display here in this superhero/x-men meet the FBI type mashup.

Click the Pic to get your copy!

I was lucky enough to recently sit down and chat with Marcus Sakey, so keep your ears to ground because that interview will be going live sometime next week over at SFSignal.com. For now, however, you should grab a copy of Brilliance and see what all the fuss is about!

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