I bet you’re sitting around on this idle Monday just wondering what my favorite color is. No? How about my favorite fruit? Uh…still no? How about my thoughts on the current geopolitical climate? What? Really? You don’t care at all?

Well, uh…good, ’cause you won’t get answers to any of those questions in the interview RedEagle’sLegacy did with me this week, so HA! Take that.

But, let’s say you’re bored and have nothing better to do, you might consider popping over to RedEagle’sLegacy blog and taking a nice long gander at the interview he did with this guy (you can’t see me–cause of the internet and all–but when I say “this guy” it is accompanied by two thumbs gesticulating enthusiastically at my own chest, in case you couldn’t figure that out).


  1. noelleg44 on May 26, 2015 at 9:24 pm

    It’s on my Kindle, in a line, Anthony!

  2. Ryan Middlebrook on June 1, 2015 at 3:13 am

    The original interview just got re-blogged randomly here: https://billectric.wordpress.com/2015/06/01/the-parallel-blog-effect/

    Pretty cool it’s getting around.

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