I’ve been hitting the ginger ale pretty hard this morning. What I meant to say is: Time Heist for FREE!! Yeah, that makes more sense and seems a better deal for all parties involved.

Seriously, I don’t want your fleas, but thanks for asking.

Okay, so I screwed the pooch the other day when I announced Sins of the Father was free and that got me feeling pretty crummy. So here is my lame attempt at making it up to ya’ll. Until the end of the day, bop on over to Amazon and get yourself a free digital copy of Time Heist.

If you don’t read on Kindle devices, no problem. Just shoot me an email at anthony@onelazyrobot.com and I’ll send you whatever sort of format your little heart desires.

But you’d better be all Speedy Gonzalez about it ’cause this offer only lasts until the end of the day.

Click the pic below to be magically transported to Amazonia.

time heist


  1. Michael on May 12, 2015 at 10:06 pm

    Thank you. I look forward to reading it. 🙂

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