As far as short films go, this next one is pretty great. Intriguing storyline, amazing effects, and decent acting. This is one of those films I’d love to see turned into a full length feature!

Also, I started playing this game last night called Brain Wars, and I can already foresee that I’m going to become a hermit and play this obsessively. Well, actually… I’m already a hermit, but now it’s gonna get reaaaal hermity.

brain wards

It’s a free app and you can play against friends and strangers. I recommend you pick it up and then comment at the bottom with your friend code so we can play against each other!



  1. noelleg44 on January 29, 2015 at 8:45 pm

    I agree – this could be a full length movie. It was fascinating and well acted. Good story, except that fingerprints are not the way to go for identity. Retinal scans are. Thanks for a diverting afternoon!

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