I’ll be honest, the first couple Fantastic Four movies kind of sucked. That’s not helped by the fact that in the grand pantheon of Marvel Superhero’s the Fantastic Four are kind of lame, but hey, what can I say? I’m a sucker for a superhero movie (yes, I watched Daredevil with Ben Affleck multiple times, and yes, I still hate myself for it. Shame doesn’t wash off easy).

Anyways, here’s the trailer for the new Fantastic Four. A couple things right off the bat. I like that they went with a younger cast. From the looks of it, they tried to diversify, by which I mean they added a token black guy as The Thing. <– Sarcasm.

At some point Hollywood is gonna catch up with the rest of the world and realize adding a single minority character doesn’t make a story diverse. *sigh* Some day.

Also, if quizzed, I couldn’t possibly tell you what this particular film is about. Looks like an origin story, but beyond that? *shrug*


  1. noelleg44 on January 28, 2015 at 1:53 pm

    Change is coming, for sure but what a confusing trailer! Daredevil four times? Really? Go sit in a corner!

  2. 'Manda on January 28, 2015 at 1:59 pm

    Oh gosh I watched Daredevil a lot too, haha. I’m a bit more ashamed of my love for Elektra though.
    But this movie looks pretty great so far; hopefully it turns out better than the original

    • AntVicino on January 28, 2015 at 2:05 pm

      Oof, Elektra. That’s rough. We all have our guilty pleasures, though. I agree, this looks way better than the first!

  3. izzy-grabs-life on January 28, 2015 at 4:19 pm

    wHAT the garbage? I’d no idea this was in developments. Smh. Such is life.

    The one black guy (Michael Jordan) isn’t The Thing. He’s the human torch. Jamie Bell (who I recognize from the 2011 Jane Eyre) is The Thing.

    Come August, I’ll round up my snacks and my people and give it a chance.

    • AntVicino on January 28, 2015 at 5:20 pm

      See, I totally didn’t pick up on that from the trailer! Also, I admit I had my blinders on and assumed, since Johnny and Sue were brother/sister, they’d look a bit more alike. Not that they can’t explain that. My own cultural expectations have betrayed me! Whoops!

  4. izzy-grabs-life on January 28, 2015 at 4:27 pm

    It boggles my mind how “Hollywood” thinks they’re saving face by having that one minority in the front lines and other minorities as Waldos in the background.

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