It took a bit, but I finally managed to compile my reading list from last year. As you can see there’s a whole lot of Sci-Fi and Fantasy in there with the occasional How-To book on writing (hey, gotta keep those chops fresh!).

The most read author of 2104 was Chuck Wendig, but if you’re looking at total word count then it might go to Brandon Sanderson or Patrick Rothfuss.

See something below you like and want my opinion on? Leave a comment down below and I’ll give you the most wonderful personalized review you could ever ask for!

EDITED: The pictures decided they weren’t going to show up for everybody so I went ahead and deleted them. You’ll just have to settle for the written list below. Sorry for the visually unstunning display!

  1. Velocity – Dean Koontz
  2. The Universe Doesn’t Give A Flying Fuck About You – Johnny B. Truant
  3. Plugged – Johnny B. Truant, Sean Platt
  4. Publish. Repeat – Johnny B. Truant, Sean Platt
  5. Robot Proletariat – Johnnny B Truant, Sean Platt
  6. Unicorn Western – Johnny B. Truant, Sean Platt
  7. Fiction Unboxed – Johnny B. Truant, Sean Platt
  8. The Kick-Ass Writer – Chuck Wendig
  9. 500 Ways to Tell a Better Story – Chuck Wendig
  10. 500 Ways to Tell a Better Story – Chuck Wendig
  11. 500 Ways to Write Harder – Chuck Wendig
  12. Blackbirds – Chuck Wendig
  13. Mockingbird – Chuck Wendig
  14. The Cormorant – Chuck Wendig
  15. Blue Blazes – Chuck Wendig
  16. 30 Days in the Word Mines – Chuck Wendig
  17. Aliens & Alien Societies – Stanly Schmidt
  18. The Viscount and the Witch
  19. How to Instantly Connect With Anyone – Leil Lowndes
  20. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe – Douglas Adams
  21. Life, The Universe, and Everything – Douglas Adams
  22. The Night Circus – Erin Morgenstern
  23. The Lies of Locke Lamora – Scott Lynch
  24. Red Seas Under Red Skies – Scott Lynch
  25. Republic of Thieves – Scott Lynch
  26. Divergent – Veronica Roth
  27. Writing Fight Scenes – Rayne Hall
  28. 2,000-10,00 Words a Day
  29. The Time Travelers Wife
  30. The Book Thief –
  31. Time Snatch – Anthony Vicino
  32. Echoes – Therin Knite
  33. Clean – Alex Hughes
  34. The Sandman Vol 1 – Neil Gaiman
  35. The Sandman Vol 2 – Neil Gaiman
  36. The Ocean at the End of the Lane – Neil Gaiman
  37. American Gods – Neil Gaiman
  38. Neverwhere – Neil Gaiman
  39. Love Minus Eighty – Will McIntosh
  40. Your First 1000 Copies – Tim Grahl
  41. Mistborn – Brandon Sanderson
  42. Well of Ascension – Brandon Sanderson
  43. Mistborn 3 – Brandon Sanderson
  44. Legion – Brandon Sanderson
  45. Elantris – Brandon Sanderson
  46. Legend- Marie Lu
  47. All You Need Is Kill – Hiroshi Sakurazaki
  48. The Fractal Prince – Hannu Rajaniemi
  49. The Martian – Andy Weir
  50. Dune – Frank Herbert
  51. A Better World – Markus Sakey
  52. Ready Player One – Ernest Cline
  53. Lexicon – Max Barry
  54. The Magicians – Lev Grossman
  55. Old Man’s War – John Scalzi
  56. Redshirts – John Scalzi
  57. An Election – John Scalzi
  58. Crack the Indie Author Code – Robert Chute
  59. We Are Anonymous – Parmy Olson
  60. Super Human – Collins
  61. LieSpotting – Pamela
  62. Red Rising – Pierce Brown
  63. Super Charge Your Kindle Sales – Nick Stephenson
  64. Ghost in the Wires – Kevin Mitnick
  65. Art of Deception – Kevin Mitnick
  66. Robopocalypse – Daniel Wilson
  67. Imitation – Heather Hildenbrandt
  68. Snow Crash – Neal Stephenson
  69. Thank You For Arguing – Jay Heinrichs
  70. Animal Farm –George Orwell
  71. Freakonomics – Levitt/Dubner
  72. Mirror Empire – Kameron Hurley
  73. Time Heist – Anthony Vicino
  74. The Astonishing X-Men Vol 1 – Joss Whedon
  75. The Name of the Wind – Patrick Rothfuss
  76. The Wise Man Fears – Patrick Rothfuss
  77. Astonishing Xmen 1 – Joss Whedon
  78. Astonishing Xmen 2 – Joss Whedon
  79. Justice League of America New –
  80. East of West 1
  81. East of West 2
  82. East of West 3
  83. Sin City
  84. Civil War
  85. Mind Breach – Anthony Vicino
  86. Soda Pop Soldier – Nick Cole
  87. Darwin Elevator – Jason Hough
  88. Business for Authors – Joanna Penn
  89. Let’s Get Digital – David Gaughran
  90. Mona Lisa Overdrive – William Gibson
  91. Count Zero – William Gibson
  92. Million Dollar Outlines – David Farland
  93. Y: The Last man
  94. Killing the Top 10 Sacred Cows – Dean Wesley Smith
  95. Million Dollar Professionalism – Kevin Anderson
  96. Million Dollar Productivity – Kevin Anderson
  97. Drawing from the Power of Resonance – David Farland
  98. Eye of the World – Robert Jordan
  99. Pentecost – J.F. Penn
  100. A Novel In 21 Days –
  101. Read This Now
  102. Ancillary Justice – Anne Leckie
  103. Convergence – Michael Patrick Hicks
  104. The Immortality Game – Ted Cross
  105. No Hero – Jonathan Wood
  106. Gotta Read This – Libbie Hawker


  1. Angela on January 10, 2015 at 5:36 pm

    That is a lot of reading! Kudos to you 🙂 I was surprised when I went back through my blog for 2014 and saw how many books I actually managed to read. Best wishes for your 2015!

    • AntVicino on January 12, 2015 at 6:33 pm

      It’s a great feeling though, huh? Going back and seeing all you’ve consumed. I personally love it. Gives me a chance to remember the year in a more solidified sort of way.

  2. noelleg44 on January 11, 2015 at 12:21 am

    Impressive list. Best of all, I’ve read quite a few of them myself. Night Circus is one of my favorites!

    • AntVicino on January 12, 2015 at 6:33 pm

      Night Circus was amazing. Easily in my top ten reads of the year!

  3. fromcouchtomoon on January 22, 2015 at 2:59 am

    Wow, nice! It seems our SF reading interests don’t often converge but I see William Gibson up there. Can a reader who enjoys Sanderson and Lynch also enjoy Gibson, or were you just feeling wily at the time?

    • AntVicino on January 22, 2015 at 3:03 am

      I’m an odd duck to be sure. Gibson is one of my all-time favorite sci-fi writers, whereas Sanderson is currently my favorite fantasy writers. Such different styles, but both are amazing storytellers.

      Lynch is great, too, though less proven given his less prolific output. Not that he can be faulted for that when the stuff he does put out is so good!

      What sci-fi are you into?

      • fromcouchtomoon on January 22, 2015 at 3:17 am

        I’m having a vintage moment lately, and I most enjoy a smattering of near-future hi-tech, progressive social sf, and spacey-mind-bendy stuff. I am really digging Gibson and Kim Stanley Robinson lately, but I read all over the place.

  4. Sheron on October 6, 2015 at 5:44 am

    Gibson, Lynch, and Sanderson…yeah, they can be loved by the same person–me! The Martian and Dune are also all time favorites. One’s a classic, the other current, both very dry and dusty…and great.

    Now Scalzi is definitely for odd ducks that want to have a fun read.
    And I’m putting Night Circus on my list because, well, you pick some really good reads in my opinion.

    • Anthony Vicino on October 6, 2015 at 12:56 pm

      Fantastic, Sheron! I can’t wait to hear what you think of Night Circus. It was one of my true delights from 2014! Have you seen The Martian in theaters yet?

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