In a lot of circles I’m known as the science fiction guy. No surprise considering most everything I’ve published to date qualifies as science fiction, but I’ve got a dirty little secret… you ready for it?

I think of myself as a Fantasy writer.

“Huh?” You grunt perplexedly “<–totally an awesome word! Say it out loud. Go on, I dare you.) “But don’t you write about robots and spaceships and artificial intelligence and how do you justify all those lasers? Not to mention the aliens… and don’t even get me started on the–“

Yes, alright, I write about many ‘science fiction’ concepts ’cause I think they make for awesome plots. But when I say that I think of myself as a Fantasy writer, it might help to make clear how I divide Fantasy from Science Fiction. Luckily, I’ve written a blog post about this before. If you want the real, down and dirty, nitty gritty details, you should click below:

Is Star Wars Science Fiction or Fantasy?

Now, I don’t blame you if you don’t want to read another blog post just to understand this blog post (that would be getting a little Inception-y, wouldn’t it?) So let me summarize.

Science Fiction extrapolates the social effects of technology on a society.

Fantasy provides a world of complete immersion to escape within.


I’ll be the first to admit, those are painfully reductionist in their simplicity, but they serve for our purposes.

When I write a story (whether it be definitely science fiction or fantasy or a mystery-thriller-rom-com) I spend a lot of time and effort crafting big, wide, robust worlds like you might find in an epic fantasy. Deep worldbuilding, even in a short story, is immensely satisfying to me. So it’s not surprise that I spend a lot of time thinking about it. Of course, I do also enjoy exploring the implications of certain technological advancements, so perhaps a more apt way of thinking of my work is as a fusion of fantasy and sci-fi.

Anyways, this is an incredibly drawn out introduction to the reason you stopped over today which, if you don’t remember (don’t worry, this was circuitous and I’ve nearly lost myself a handful of times already), had something to do with the 3 Fantasy Series you should absolutely be reading.

Why should you be reading them? Well, it ties into what I was saying before about balancing robust world-building with social awareness in regards to ‘technology’. The 3 three series I’m about to drop on you are part of what I consider a new school of fantasy that really does an amazing job balancing not only the immersive aspect of good epic fantasy, but also (in my mind at least) goes one step further than many of their predecessors in the field by delivering a sort of social commentary that goes beyond the mere distinction of Good vs Evil.

Enough preamble. Here are the series you absolutely should be reading right now.

I’ve reviewed City of Stairs on here before, and even included it in my Top 5 Books of 2015 post, so you should go and check those out if you’re curious why this book is so good. City of Blades was just recently released. Sequels can sometimes suffer by comparison to their older sibling, but remarkably Robert Bennett Jackson manages to deliver a story as good, if not better, than the first.

Dang. What a show off.

These books really have it all. Worldbuilding on a level I can barely wrap my head around (consisting of dead gods, no less); a depth of narrative that you could fall endlessly into; a cast of characters both unique and compelling; and an expert handling of the complex myriad of social, political, and economic issues that inevitably arise in the wake of… you know, killing gods.

Next up on the list is another series I have gushed about previously: Max Gladstone’s Craft Sequence.


Again, I’ve reviewed Two Serpents Rise in a previous blog post (CLICK HERE FOR REVIEW!) so I’ll refer you there if you’re interested in the details of why I find this series so compelling. In short, take all the things I said about City of Stairs and apply it here, and you’re good to go. Though, I will say this: Gladstone’s focus on the economic fallout of dead and dying gods is particularly interesting and compelling. The Craft Sequence focuses on this particular aspect more so than the other two series listed, and to great effect. If you’re intrigued by magic systems and bureaucracy (not always an obvious partnership, I admit), this could be the series for you.

Last, but certainly not least, we get N.K. Jemisin’s The Inheritance Trilogy. I’m late to the Jemisin party myself, only recently discovering what everybody else in fandom has already known for years: Jemisin is wickedly talented. Her narrative voice is a raw force of nature. I’m not sure who I could compare her to, and there, perhaps, lies the compliment. She’s the type of storyteller that pulls you in so completely, you don’t even realize you’re living in a story world until it’s over. And then you’re just sad.

The Inheritance Trilogy is possibly the most traditional of the three series listed in terms of setting and plot, but Jemisin’s handling of the tropes feels so new and fresh that reading her is like rediscovering the entire fantasy genre.

But it’s not just style with Jemisin. She also has substance. The quality and depth of her worldbuilding is staggering (as you would expect from all great fantasy). I plan on doing a more in-depth review of Jemisin’s work in the near future, so I won’t beat it to death here. Needless to say, you should grab this series.

What about you? What are some of your all time favorite Fantasy books? Are you reading anything now that’s absolutely knocking your socks off? Get down to the comments section and share with the rest of us!

Also, lest you forget, remember to sign up below for the Time Heist audiobook giveaway. Contest ends soon, so be sure to tweet, share, and like to better your odds of victory!

 a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Karen on February 13, 2016 at 5:57 pm

    Wait, what?? You are a scifi writer. Sorry distracted, I apologized, are we talking all time or recently?

    • Anthony Vicino on February 13, 2016 at 6:17 pm

      I mean, for at least the last week for sure.

      • Karen on February 13, 2016 at 6:26 pm

        You think I can’t name a fantasy writer I was reading this week but I can! I really like Anne Bishop whom I recently discovered, she writes traditional and Urban Fantasy. I’m into her The Others series right now which is UF but all her stuff is good.

  2. ELLE BOMB on February 13, 2016 at 7:11 pm

    Anthony! Thank you for the welcoming like. I remember when I mustarded up the courage to announce I was writing a novel, the first question someone asked me was “what genre is it?” and I had to google “science fiction vs fantasy” that night to determine the difference. Ha! Great blog – I’m adding Time Heist to my reading list!

    • Anthony Vicino on February 13, 2016 at 7:34 pm

      It can be a subtle distinction for sure, complicated by the fact that it’s different for all of us. In the end, they can be whatever we want them to be. Huzzah! Thanks for stopping by. Be sure to come back and let me know what you think of Time Heist. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

  3. Margo on February 14, 2016 at 7:59 pm

    Difficulty distinguishing science fiction from fantasy has resulted in the use of “speculative fiction” in some circles. But I generally use SFF for all of the above. Maybe too Twitter-influenced? IDK. Good luck with Time Heist, whatever it is

    • Anthony Vicino on February 14, 2016 at 8:25 pm

      It’s a tricky pickle to be certain. I don’t know why, but the term speculative fiction has never worked for me. Mostly because all fiction , by definition, is sorta speculative. Oh well, I’m gonna stick with SFF for now too!

  4. Bormgans @ Weighing A Pig on February 15, 2016 at 7:00 pm

    Gladstone is new to me. I’ve added him to my TBR, thanks! Jemisin was already on it, I guess should bump it up.

    • Anthony Vicino on February 15, 2016 at 7:41 pm

      Nice! I’m always glad to help people discover new authors. Stop back in and let me know what you think about Gladstone!

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