Confession time: I love audiobooks. They’re a fantastic alternative to dragging your eyeballs across an electronic screen, or a sheet of dead tree sprinkled with bits of black ink. Problem is:

Audiobooks are crazy expensive.

After having gone through the production process to bring Time Heist into existence as an audiobook, I now understand why. Production costs include so many variables that getting a high quality audiobook on a measly budget is darn near impossible. As a result, ten hour long books such as Time Heist retail at around $24!


Now, don’t get me wrong, I like to think it’s totally worth that. But, did you know, there are ways to get it for under $5? Yeah, I stumbled upon this myself not too long ago. The trick is to buy the ebook first from Amazon and then you can take advantage of a special sale price of the audiobook. For Time Heist, all told, you can get the ebook and audibook for under $5.

That’s a great deal, but I want to go one step further.

I want to give you the Time Heist Audiobook for FREE!

ebook Time Heist - 1875x2500 pix 300dpi

So, I’ve set up a little Rafflecopter giveaway with the idea of giving away 5 FREE audiobooks along with another 5 FREE ebooks.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The contest will only run through the weekend, so if you want to win a prize, you’d better sign up today.

Want to better your chances of winning? Easy. Get more bonus entries into the giveaway by blogging or tweeting about this giveaway. Or just follow me on Facebook or Twitter for a quick and easy bonus entry.

Winners will be chosen on Monday night. Audiobook winners will be gifted a copy of Time Heist through Audible. Winners of the ebook will be gifted a copy through Amazon.

Alright,  folks! Comment and share to better your chances of reigning victorious in this winner-take-all-battle-royale! (Actually, that’s not true. I will not be awarding one person 5 copies of the same book. So, more accurate would be to say 5 winners-take-all-battle-royale!)


  1. fred on February 11, 2016 at 8:33 pm

    I’d say the best fantasy book I read in the last year would be ‘Ruin’ from the ‘Faithful and the Fallen’ series

    • Anthony Vicino on February 11, 2016 at 8:47 pm

      This is the first I’m hearing about it. To the Google Machine we go!

  2. Barbara on February 12, 2016 at 6:34 am

    Can’t give you a title (not my genre…) but I’d love to read or listen to your book!

  3. Amie Gaudet on February 13, 2016 at 8:23 am

    WOW! This is a difficult question for me to answer since there are so many terrific science fiction books that I have discovered in the past year. I am a prolific reader and I listen to a LOT of audiobooks.

    I was lucky to find out about author Jon Maas and his books are AWESOME. He wrote `Spanners – The Fountain of Youth which is an absolute MUST READ. Also, his book FLARE is outstanding.

    I just discovered the Cryo-Man series by Kevin George. I have read and reviewed the first book and am planning to read and review the rest of the books in the series as well.

    The audiobooks CLAY and HALF-SKIN by Tony Bertauski are terrific and definitely worth listening to.

    Tony Bowman has authored several books, some are horror and some are sci-fi, but every single one of them are excellent. He has quickly become one of my favorite authors.

    And, last but not least, I was sent a free copy of the outstanding science fiction short story collection called JUAREZ SQUARE & OTHER STORIES by D.L. Young and I was astounded by his talent. He draws his readers into his worlds and grabs your attention right from the first page.

    I know you asked for only a single book, but I highly recommend that you try all of the authors I have listed here. They are all highly talented.

    You can read my reviews of all of the books I have mentioned on my blog.

    • Anthony Vicino on February 13, 2016 at 1:26 pm

      Wow, Amie! That’s a fantastic list. Lots of stuff I’ve never even heard of, but will now certainly have to check out! Can’t wait. Thanks!

  4. Pam E on February 14, 2016 at 4:29 pm

    I think the Future Chronicles series are great SciFi books, for the stories and the amazing authors I’ve found through them.

  5. Laura @Library of Clean Reads on February 15, 2016 at 7:29 pm

    Aww…too bad I missed this giveaway. The premise of your book sounds really great.

    • Anthony Vicino on February 15, 2016 at 7:46 pm

      Aw, bummer Laura! If you want to be alerted for the next giveaway I’d recommend joining my newsletter ( Plus, you’ll get three free short stories/novellas just for signing up, so even if you didn’t win a copy of Time Heist this time around, you won’t be walking away empty handed!

  6. Marianne @ Cheapler on March 28, 2016 at 5:43 pm

    To bad i missed this, is there anyway I can be notified if you have another giveaway?

    • Anthony Vicino on March 28, 2016 at 8:20 pm

      Absolutely, Marianne. Join my newsletter ( and not only will you be notified of all future giveaways, you’ll be automatically entered!

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