Martha’s Bookshelf has just reviewed the Time Heist audiobook and is giving away 3 FREE copies of the ebook and 1 FREE copy of the audiobook.

martha's bookshelf


“The primary characters are intense and strongly flawed. The addiction aspects are interesting even as they are repellent.” – Martha

If you’ve been wanting to snag a copy of Time Heist, but haven’t been able to scrounge
up the necessary loose change from the couch, then this is the opportunity for you. Just head on over to Martha’s Bookshelf and leave a comment to be entered into the giveaway. If you’re undecided about whether you want to read or listen to Time Heist, well, then you might want to give her review a gander and see if that can’t persuade you one way or the other.

P.S. I have no control over the pricing of the Time Heist audiobook. Sometimes it’s $24, sometimes it’s $2. Right now it’s one of those special moments where it’s only $2! Which is a crazy ridiculous price for an audiobook. CLICK HERE to grab your copy today before that sale runs up.


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