It’s about a month since I last posted anything here (and about two months since I posted anything particularly substantial in the way of a review or article). Some of you have reached out, concerned that I finally drowned away all my sorrows at the bottom of a bowl of cheerios. Well, I’m back to say: That’s only partially true. I’m still hobblin’ about, no worries. Daddy’s not intending to slip out in the middle of the night and leave ya’ll guessing. (Am I referring to myself in third person as Daddy? Yes, yes I think I am. Leave me alone, it’s my blog, I’ll refer to myself however I want.)

So where’d I run off to? Good question.

Mind Breach

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This is the reason I left you folks flapping in the wind for the last few months. Mind Breach, book 2 in the Firstborn Saga after Time Heist, had become an albatross around my neck. It was a nefarious dueling partner the likes of which I’ve never encountered before. The second book in a trilogy is hard ’cause it has sooo much to live up to and set up for the final book. In Mind Breach I decided I didn’t want to play it safe and stay inside my wheelhouse by telling the story in first-person like I did with Time Heist. Instead, I’ve pulled back into third person and introduced SIX POV characters, four of which could make a compelling case that they–and not the others–are indeed the main character.

Mind Breach really tested my storytelling craft, and at this point I’m still not sure whether or not I pulled it off (currently the story is in the hands of beta readers, so I suppose I’ll find out son). Interweaving so many storylines was dragging me into a quagmire of confusion back in October which eventually led me to say, “Fuck it, I’m not doing anything else until I finish this damn thing.” So, that’s what I did. I stopped blogging, limited my social media time, stopped reviewing. Stopped doing everything besides working on Mind Breach. Thankfully it’s finally at that point where I can wipe my brow and move on.

What’s all that mean? Well, it means if all goes to plan, Mind Breach will be out in the wild sometime in late Spring.

Time Heist Audio

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Don’t know whether or not you heard, but the Time Heist audiobook came out this last December, narrated by the masterful Adam Verner. Now, I love audiobooks as much as the next guy, but the problem is they are so damned expensive. Well, fear not dear readers. For a limited time you can get the Time Heist audiobook AND the ebook for only $5. All you got to do is pop on over to amazon and grab the ebook for $2.99 and then you can take advantage of the special sale they have running which will allow you to get the audio for only $1.99.

That’s right. If you already have a copy of the Time Heist ebook, you can get the audio for only $1.99. That’s a great deal no matter how you slice it. So head on over today and get yourself a copy.

Not sure you actually want to read Time Heist? Then maybe this review from the will change your mind!

“The narrative is punchy, modern and has a staccato feel that allows the pace to remain quite intense from first page to the last but, at the same time, has an almost old fashioned, elegant, and poetic structure that I don’t normally come across in modern science fiction.” –


  1. Noelle Granger on January 18, 2016 at 5:42 pm

    Anything you write is great, Anthony. Count me a fan.

  2. Gretchen Weerheim on January 18, 2016 at 9:14 pm

    I feel your pain, AV. My agent assigned an editor to me to get my very first sci-fi novel in ship-shape for a very real chance to actually have it published. Spent so much time on trying to get it all right that I’ve ignored my own blog, even though I have thousands of things I’d like to write about. Glad to have you back!

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