box set 2


Reviews are like mana to a writer. We live alone on a creaky boat of self-doubt, floating in a sea frothing with uncertainty, lingering fears of inadequacy, and crippling carpal tunnel. Not to mention our copilot, the good for nothing internal editor, keeps whispering in our ears, “Just stop fighting it…give up…”

So it’s nice to get feedback every now and again reminding us that we aren’t alone and that all our work isn’t for naught. It’s like a lighthouse blipping out some Morse Code from shore: Everything’s fine. You’re doing good. Don’t panic.

Today’s little pick me up comes from a writer/reviewer named Barbara who managed to consume my entire Starter Library (3 books which you can get for free just by signing up for my NEWSLETTER) plus Purgatory in the span of 2 days. She wrote up a lovely little blog-post over at Reading Experience (CLICK HERE!) which I highly recommend you go check out, which yes, is entirely self-serving on my part. Deal with it. This is my blog and sometimes it’s okay to do self-serving things. 🙂

Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks to Barbara and everybody else who’s ever taken the time to read and review one of my stories. It means a lot to me, especially at times like these when I’ve been mired in deep editing Mind Breach.

On a separate note, look, Purgatory is holding it down at number #23 on Amazon’s Hot New Releases. Woot. Go grab a copy for only $0.99.

purgatory best seller

Alright, enough out of me! Have a lovely Sunday everybody




  1. Matt Johnson on January 2, 2016 at 4:53 am

    First, I would like to say thank you for visiting my blog, Urban Dynamics. And thank you for “Liking” one of my most recent articles “Book Review: The Martian.” I truly appreciate it.

    Second, book reviews are extremely important. Even though my blog is a bit more technical and science-y, I find that writing book reviews of all sorts helps to improve my ability to communicate science to my readers. It helps me to find my inner Neil deGrasse Tyson, if you will.

    Finally, The Martian may be science fiction, but science fiction helps me to think about problems in new ways and even presents to me new ideas. For example, I gleaned quite a bit about cities and the emergence of cities from The Martian, although The Martian never mentioned anything about cities, not one thing at all. If you are interested in learning more about this connection between cities and Mars, I would invite you to read my most recent article “A City on Mars: A Response to Elon Musk.”

    Thanks again for visiting and if you would like me to review something, I would be more than happy to do so. Who knows, that piece of science fiction may ignite a new scientific idea in me.


    • Anthony Vicino on January 2, 2016 at 2:59 pm

      Thanks Matt! I’m gonna give your aticle “A City on Mars: A response to Elon Musk” a read today. It sounds fascinating!

      I’m always throwing free review copies of my stories out into the world. If you’d like, I’d love to send you a digital copy of Time Heist in exchange for an honest review. Shoot me an email at Anthony at OneLazyRobot dot COM, and I’ll get a copy out to you posthaste!

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