Psst…hey, hey you. Yeah, you. Come over here. I have something to tell you.

No, just trust me, come closer. It’s best if I whisper this seductively in your ear?

What’s that? Did I say seductively? No, of course not, that’s weird. Stop inching away and giving me those worried eyes. Come back here!

Okay, fine. You stay over there and I’ll just shout it across the cyber-room. Whatever. Party pooper.

You ready? Here’s the really cool, awesome announcement I was going to whisper wetly into your ear canal.

Purgatory has officially landed!



What do you mean, ‘Is that it?’ What more could you possibly want?

Sheesh, talk about high standards.

Anyways, enough shenanigans. Here’s the deal. My newest short story, Purgatory, is finally available at Amazon for only $0.99. It’s a metaphysical, part sci-fi, part fantasy, conspiracy thriller with a romantic twist. Don’t believe me? Here’s the blurb!

Together Beyond Death

As a Daydreamer for Imagine Nation, Jarek creates far flung adventures across space and time in his mind’s eye for others to experience vicariously through their neural prostheses. Sometimes he fights space dragons, other times he divesto the bottom of Alear’s deepest ocean and discovers what sorts of monsters lurk in the planet’s darkest recesses. But when his wife (aide to President Rance Mard) uncovers a conspiracy to tap into the limitless power supply of ancestors who have passed onto the spirit realm, Jarek soon discovers that the most horrible monsters are far worse than anything he could ever have imagined.

Don’t lie, you’re intrigued. I see you squinting constipatedly. (<— fun new word of the day!)

Now, I know this is coming on the tail end of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, so you’re probably a little cash strapped. So, allow me to make today into Thrifty Tuesday! If you want to earn yourself a FREE Review Copy of Purgatory, here’s what you got to do. Sign up for my NEWSLETTER. You’ll receive a Welcome email which you’ll want to respond to with the word, PURGATORY Review Copy! Then, like magic, I’ll send you a FREE review copy of Purgatory.

Simple enough, right?

Alright, folks. I hope everybody had a wonderful Turkey Day last week. Stay warm this winter season, don’t get trampled by any turtles, and pop on over to Amazon to pick up your next reading adventure!

<End Transmission>


  1. Noelle Granger on December 1, 2015 at 6:14 pm

    Doing it today!

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