I alluded to this a couple months back, but have been playing it fairly close to the vest since. Well, we’re officially in the homestretch and in just a couple days Time Heist will be available as an audiobook. Pretty cool, huh?

The whole process has been fascinating and I can’t wait to share the finished product with ya’ll. The narrator, Adam Verner, did an absolutely fantastic job. Don’t believe me? Well, here, have a listen to the first 3 minutes or so.


Alright, so you’re hearing that and thinking, “Boy, I can’t wait to get my ear-fingers on that!” Well, it just so happens I’ll be giving away 10 FREE copies of the audiobook to those beautiful people signed up for my newsletter.

Wait, what do you mean you haven’t signed up for my newsletter yet? Don’t you know that just by signing up you get three FREE short stories? Oh, you really didn’t know? Sorry. I didn’t mean to be a jerk. But it’s true. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP and you’ll automatically be entered to win one of those ten free copies of the Time Heist audiobook.

Before you leave, however. Why don’t you pop down to the comments and tell me about your favorite audiobook or favorite narrator? Let’s hear it, folks!


  1. Noelle Granger on November 15, 2015 at 10:51 pm

    Hi Anthony: I rarely listen to audiobooks, but my preference is for a nice male voice on the deeper side. Just a quirk I guess. I know I promised to read Time Heist, and I will, I will, just so many books in my TBR pile!

    • Anthony Vicino on November 16, 2015 at 4:22 pm

      That’s okay, Noelle! Whenever you get to it. I know what it’s like to be crushed beneath a TBR pile! I usually prefer a deep male voice, too. Currently I’m listening to Persuader by Lee Child and the narrator has a reeaaaally low, gravelly voice. It’s good!

  2. Ryan Middlebrook on November 27, 2015 at 1:28 am

    I’m stoked that Time Heist is coming to audio! I get to listen to books while I work, and I’m glad I’m going to get to put this one on my list.

    As far as audiobooks go, Peter Kenny reading Iain M. Banks’ Culture series is some of the best audio-acting I’ve heard. Grover Gardner who reads the Vorkosigan Saga does a nice job. Dan Simmons’ Hyperion is the best ensemble listen that I’ve come across. Scott Brick who reads a lot of classic sci-fi makes me want to poke my eardrums out, but I keep having to listen to him because he reads the books I want to read. The sample here sounds pretty good. I will be getting this for sure.

    • Anthony Vicino on November 27, 2015 at 2:41 pm

      I’ve been wanting to read the Culture series for so long. Maybe audio should be the way I finally get it done! I listened to Hyperion a couple years back and it was an amazing production. Totally did justice to the complex multi-POV storyline!

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