Looking for an excellent collection of short stories TimeTravel-eBook-r02centered around the theme of Time Travel? Of course you are. What with all the hype around Back to the Future recently, I know you’re all dying to sate that time warping hunger burning in your gut. And here’s your opportunity: The Time Travel Chronicles from mega-curating superstar, Samuel Peralta, are officially on pre-order!

Why should you boogie on over to grab a copy now instead of waiting for the release on October 30th? Well, because for a limited time, you can grab The Time Travel Chronicles for the low, low price of $0.99. Seriously, for less than a buck you can get 400 pages worth of short stories from some remarkably talented authors.

I’m absolutely thrilled to have my own short story, EXTANT, included in the collection.

Alrighty, enough self-promotion. Get over to Amazon and grab your copy today!

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