This week has been one big, sticky ball of busy. As a result, I haven’t been as mindful of your needs as I should be. So, to reaffirm my undying love and devotion to you, Dear Readers, here is a lightning round catch-up session on all the juicy things happening in my life.


I’ve been keeping this under my hat for awhile, but I think it’s time to share with the world. Purgatory is a novelette I’ll be releasing this November. Take a gander below.Purgatory

I haven’t written out the description for Purgatory yet, but the quick and dirty is it’s a interplanetary murder mystery mixed with political intrigue and a couple star-crossed lovers. If that sounds like your type of story, and want to get your hand on a free advanced review copy, make sure you’re signed up for my NEWSLETTER and you’ll get a magic free story in your inbox sometime in the coming weeks.

Time Heist Audio

The amazingly talented Adam Verner has put the finishing touches on his performance of Time Heist. Now we just sit and wait for ACX/Audible to do their final quality check and then BING BANG BOOM, no more having to read the book like a mere peasant. Overall I’m really excited how the audio turned out. Can’t wait to share it with you all.

By the by, if you’re interested in getting your ears on a review copy of the Time Heist audiobook, let me know in the comments. I’ll only be giving out a set number of free copies, so the sooner you get your hat in the ring, the better.


These popped up earlier in the week and both gave me a big old smile, so hey, I’m going to share them with you because sometimes I don’t do a good job stopping being appreciative that there are actually people out there in the world enjoying my stories. Thanks to all of you who’ve ever taken the time to read one of my stories. Double thanks if you’ve ever left a review!

“Time Heist is a clever book…”

“Countdown clocks have become something of cliche, but Vicino has risked using the idea and it pays off not only for the pace of the book, but for the reminder that it’s possible to take a cliche and make it work again with a certain amount of reinvention…”

“In a world where sci-fi authors are competing for readers, it would be easy to draw the comparison that Vicino himself has put himself in a fighting ring determined to show off his chops…”

“Vicino’s use of comparative language is often razor sharp. Going through my Kindle notes, I feel like I’ve taken a class in pain description and how to write effective fight scenes…”

Tommie Muncie (Author of Shadow’s Talent)


“A great fun read, which for such a dark, almost post-apocalyptic book is quite a feat.”

“The writing style was really enjoyable, with the most original extended metaphors ever, period.”

“A good twisty turny single plot line with no jumping about–this book is all business and action moving from one chapter to the next without dropping its pace, and great fight scenes.”

“I can’t believe the author kept up the style right to the end!”

M. Clarkson

MIND BREACH 3rd Draft is…DONE!

Mind Breach (Book 2 in The Firstborn Saga) is the sequel to Time Heist. My goal is to have this out and ready for public consumption by Christmas, but as you can see from the picture,  this is a real behemoth of a story and I still have a bit more work to do before it’s ready for the editor. Again, as with Purgatory, if you want to get an advanced review copy of Mind Breach, sign up for my NEWSLETTER to be the first notified when I start sending out FREE copies.

I hate writing story descriptions/summaries (which is why I always put them off until the last minute) but here’s the loose description for Mind Breach as it stands:

A Mind Divided Cannot Stand

Humanity doesn’t know they’ve been supplanted atop the evolutionary ladder.mindbreach_final2 2830x4... They don’t know of the rival factions of Intuits battling for control of Unity. Don’t know their very survival hangs in the balance. Humanity doesn’t know how close the end truly is… but they will.

Tom Mandel is either a villain or a saint, depending on who you ask. He’s already died once in the fight for Unity. He’ll do it again if needed, but he’d rather it didn’t come to that. In the battle to come, however, he might not have much of a choice.

A mysterious imprint, grafted onto the mind of Division Agent Mika Frost could hold the key to stopping Tom Mandel and his terrorist cell, Castle. Survival means uncovering the secret hidden inside her own mind, before it’s too late. If she fails, Unity will fall. She won’t let that happen.

Unity sold a piece of its soul to survive the Dissolution. Now, to survive the coming war, they must sell the rest.


On a non-writing note, here’s my current list of books to read/review for here and SFSignal. I can’t even express with words how excited I am to dive into each and every one of these books.

to be read

Going Dark – Linda NagataCity of Blades – Robert Jackson BennettAncillary Sword and Ancillary Mercy by Ann LeckieChapelwood by Cherie PriestThree Parts Dead by Max Gladstone.

And on that note, let’s wrap things up. Now you, Dear Reader, should head directly to the comments section and tell me all about your current reading list. What’s hot? What’s not? Spill your literary beans!


  1. Tommy Muncie on October 18, 2015 at 11:52 pm

    Thanks for the mention, and that’s a cool new cover!

    • Anthony Vicino on October 18, 2015 at 11:56 pm

      My pleasure, Tommy. Glad you enjoyed the story! I picked up a copy of Shadow’s Talent. I can’t resist FREE!!!!!

      • Tommy Muncie on October 19, 2015 at 9:39 am

        Thanks man, appreciate it. If you get round to reading it before I launch the sequel, drop me a line and I’ll send you an ARC for free…Ghost of the Navigator is going to be cool – my betas are already telling me as much!

        • Anthony Vicino on October 19, 2015 at 12:25 pm

          When’s Ghost of the Navigator drop? I shall try my bested to finish Shadow’s Talent in time. Same offer extends to you on this end. If you’d like a ARC of Mind Breach, just say the word and I’ll add your name to the list.

          • Tommy Muncie on October 19, 2015 at 10:02 pm

            Sure, I’ll take an ARC of that!

            GotN will be launched in February, I hope. It’s a very long book and it needs a little polishing before it’s ready. Plus I’m going to write as much of Book 3 as I can using NaNo in November so I might want to revise slighty…then there’s paying my editor for all 210,000 words of it! But Feb is when I’m aiming for. I just ordered the cover for it tonight…stand by for Show and Tell in about a week or so!

  2. Marie on October 19, 2015 at 3:27 pm

    Oh wow. Am so excited about the upcoming releases. I never really cared much for scimitar, but these really sound exciting.

  3. Noelle Granger on October 19, 2015 at 8:28 pm

    Great, great cover. I thought I was beta reading for you, but do you need an early review?

    • Anthony Vicino on October 19, 2015 at 10:49 pm

      Not to worry, Noelle! You are still on the list for a beta read! It’s almost ready. Just have a few things to tidy up first.

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