I’ve got some real juicy articles in the pipeline for you folks. There’ll be interviews with some hot, up and coming authors you should definitely be reading, some reviews for books that haven’t even hit the shelf yet (Yes, I totally use my time travel abilities to get my hands on books before their release. Lamest use of a super-power ever? Perhaps), and an article or two that are bound to get some hackles frazzled and mouth’s foaming.

Until then, I just wanted to stop in and touch base ’cause I know how you start suffering from withdrawal if you don’t get enough word candy for your eyeballs.

hugo awardLet’s start with the big one. The Hugo Awards were this weekend. For those of you that don’t know, this is a big deal in the SFF community, especially so this year as the whole question of voting manipulation was drawn into the spotlight when a bunch of Sad Rabid Puppies tried marking everything as their territory (don’t know what this means? Succinctly put, they pissed on everything) and in the process, pissed off pretty much the entire SFF community.

I’m not going to lend the Puppies arguments any legitimacy by reciting them here. Wired did a great article on it, so read that if you’re interested (and bored). For now, I think it’s time we let those hateful jerks wallow in obscurity.

Seriously, I know they gamed the system this year, and sure, that’s a threat in the future. But the best thing to do moving forward is ignore them. The Hugos this year proved that they simply aren’t relevant. They got some authors, books, and editors onto the ballot that had no business there, but when the final votes were tallied, fandom replied with a resounding, “We’re done playing with you.”

And so  am I.

But, before I pack up the bat and ball and sache home, I want to throw out three ‘attagirls.

Two of those back-pats go to Anne Bellett and Marko Kloos. If you remember, these two were voted onto the ballot, but refused their nominations on the grounds that they didn’t want to be pawns in somebody else’s political scheming. This is all the more heartbreaking considering when the final results were announced, it was revealed that Bellett would have made the ballot even without the tampering. Bummer.

But, but, but… it’s okay. George R.R. Martin made everything George RR Martin hands out his own "Alphie" awards at the Hugo Losers Party, August 23, 2015.okay. He gave them a couple Alfies (which is an award he hands out to deserving authors at his yearly Hugo
Losers Award Ceremony). Personally, I think this is way cooler than getting a tainted Hugo.

The third ‘attagirl goes to The Three Body Problem which took home the Best Novel Award.

An amazing result considering the fact that The Three Body Problem didn’t make the original finalist ballot. Without Kloos’ withdrawal, the best book of last year would’ve been left out. It’s good to see that sometimes evil doesn’t win. Congrats to Cixin Lu and translator Ken Liu.

Alright, enough about the Hugos. Let’s talk about me.

In an earlier post I alluded to the fact that Time Heist would be getting the audiobook treatment in the very near future.

Well, I’m proud to announce that the project is moving forward. There are some contractual things that need to be hammered out, so I’ll wait until the ink is dry to reveal the announcer, but let’s just say, I am really excited about the talent we’re bringing on board to get this done. I think you will, too!

It’s been brought to my attention that, outside of writing, I never really talk about myself on here. There’s a good reason for that, namely: I’m not all that terribly interesting. But in the interest of appeasing the masses, here are a few pictures from my weekend spent rock climbing up in the Sierra Mountains. For those of you not in the know, I’m an avid rock climber. I’ve spent pretty much the last decade traveling the world with only one goal: climb as many rocks as possible.

And now you’re in the know. Congrats. Alright, folks. Get back to work!


  1. Robin on August 25, 2015 at 3:22 am




    *whine* wasn’t it just last week you were complaining about them?


    The pissuppies (pissing puppies) dominated the news forums this weekend for some stupid reason. Don’t ask me why since IMO it’s not newsworthy except as a blooper reel.

    Here’s hoping this actually goes through since Wp is being a biotch this weekend and disabling comment boxes.

  2. Anthony Vicino on August 25, 2015 at 4:24 am

    This is a test of the comment section. If this were an actual emergency, you’d probably be dead by now. What with the fact you’re reading the comment section of my blog amidst a full-blown, siren assisted emergency!

    • Marie on September 28, 2015 at 2:10 am


      • Anthony Vicino on September 28, 2015 at 4:09 am

        What, indeed 🙂

      • Anthony Vicino on September 28, 2015 at 4:09 am

        Hi, Grandma! *waves emphatically!*

        • Grnma on September 29, 2015 at 1:47 am

          Does one have any new writings going on? I have a title and am thinking a lot about the subject matter. How does this sound……
          “The Hollows”. Grnma

          • Anthony Vicino on September 29, 2015 at 2:02 am

            I like that. Makes me think of a Hans and Gretel type fairy-tale taking place in a dark forest.

            Oh, I have so many things I’m working on. The Audiobook for Time Heist will be out in a week or so; next month a short story I wrote called Extant will be in The Time Travel Chronicles; in November I’ll be releasing a novella called Purgatory; in December the sequel to Time Heist, Mind Breach, will be released; in January a collection of short stories and novellas called Augment will be out; and finally, in February I’ll be putting out another novella called Infinity Lost.

            So many stories, Grandma. Never enough time!

          • Granma on September 29, 2015 at 7:32 pm

            Actually…..I’m overwhelmed with your productivity.
            No, a somewhat analytical examination of morally defunct minds. It’s like part of the brain failed to develop or developed in an unusual way as to eliminate all or most of the common modes of behavior.
            It gets pretty sticky and my knowledge of said brain functions is minimally educated. Guess I need some books to self educate. Oh well, it might never get out of the thinking stage.

          • Granma on September 30, 2015 at 1:22 pm

            I’m overwhelmed by your output.
            No Hans/Gretal, I was referring to people who go thru life void of any moral compass.

  3. Bruce Blanchard on August 25, 2015 at 5:23 am

    Doing some “proverbial” rock climbing myself with expanding avenues for my blog. When it comes to rock climbing, a friend who grew up in Colorado said you needed three holds at all times and you should be fine. It would scare the hell out of me. 🙂

  4. Noelle Granger on August 25, 2015 at 12:44 pm

    Glad to see you are getting exercise. Writing tends to make one spread! And as a writer, you have to have a cat or two. Funny how they like to play on your papers. Mine likes to sit on my keyboard.
    I’ve been following the saga of the Hugo Awards, but didn’t know George HRR gave out awards to newbies. Good on him!

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