I’m a sucker for fan art. Thanks to The Mad Artist for the little pick-me-up on this slow, hot Sunday afternoon. Check out his site if you’re in need of some graphic art. I haven’t personally used him, but the stuff on his site looks great. TheMadArtist.

For those interested, by the way, I’ve begun the process for getting Time Heist into audio. My goal is to have it out by this November, but we’ll see how that goes. I’m not committing to any firm dates yet. I’ll drop more info on this as it appears. For now, consider yourself teased.

Also, in the coming weeks I’ll be accepting beta-reader volunteers. Interested in getting your hands on my words before the rest of the world? Want to critique, offer invaluable feedback, and break my fragile little heart? Well, this might be the opportunity for you.

Interested in signing up ahead of the rush? Shoot me an email at Anthony@OneLazyRobot.com with the word Beta Reader in the subject line. I look forward to hearing from you eager reading beavers.

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