The websites been live for nearly 24 hours and hasn’t exploded in a demonstrative fireball–yet–so things seem to be off on a good foot. There’s a problem with the PIXEL’s review post not opening, but besides that there are only a couple bugs and most of those revolve around the Mobile site.

As a society, I don’t think we take enough time to adequately marvel at things doing their jobs. We rarely think about bridges that don’t fall down, or buildings that don’t collapse. And rightly so, if we expected those things to occur on a regular basis, than this would be one crazy-daisy place to call home. But since they do do (hehe, doo-doo) their jobs, they rarely get the recognition they deserve.

I bring this up because the fact that this website hasn’t imploded beneath its own weight is truly astounding to me. Mostly on account of the fact that I constructed this site with little more than paper machete and toothpicks.

No seriously, lean a bit closer and you’ll see it’s all smoke, mirrors, and a lot of toothpicks.

Anyways, since you’ve been a brave soul and stepped into my digital domain despite the leaky roof and creaking support beams, I want to reward you with a little something-something.

If you’ve already cruised around the website a bit you’ll have stumbled upon it, but in case you missed it I want to take a moment to share with you all the cover for Mind Breach, Firstborn Saga Book Two (AKA the sequel to Time Heist).

Special thanks goes out to Jeff Brown who did an absolutely phenomenal job on this cover. Needless to say I’m really excited to hold this one in print!

Mind Breach will be available for pre-order on Amazon in the coming months in anticipation for a November release date. If you’re interested in getting an Advanced Reader Copy, sign up for my Newsletter and you’ll be added to the list of peeps eligible to get their hands on a copy before the rest of the slathering masses.

Mind Breach


  1. Noelle Granger on July 29, 2015 at 2:27 pm

    Wow! Great cover. I’ll put this in my TBR queue.

  2. Sharyl on July 29, 2015 at 2:42 pm

    Impressive cover! Can’t wait to read!

  3. Candice on July 29, 2015 at 6:07 pm

    Great cover! And great new site! Congrats on seeing some fruits to your labors. That is always a good thing.

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