Alright, let’s keep this quick and dirty. I picked up this fairly new comic series called East of West a few weeks back. So far there are three books in the series, but I’ve only managed to read the first two. I plan on picking up the third one, but the other day on my weekly run to the comic bookstore they were unfortunately out and I had to settle for Civil War.

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Boo-hoo. Poor me.
Anyways, East of West is pretty awesome. Ya got Jonathan Hickman working the pencil, and Nick Dragotta working the crayon.
Dragotta gets the tip o’ the cap from me. The artwork is stellar. I could spend days just staring at the pictures. They’re intricate with a stylization that I really dig.
The series is a science-fiction Western set in dystopian America. Part of the story follows the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse who, no surprise, are trying to bring about the apocalypse. In another part, you got Death riding around like Clint Eastwood kicking ass and taking names trying to regain that which was taken from him. Then there are the Chosen, “a group of elites from the Seven Nations who are working to bring about the end times, as well.” There’s your cast, now go.
I personally really dig this story. Hickman’s done a great job building an interesting/unique world while filling it with some truly oddball characters.
If you’re in the market for a cool new comic series, go check it out.
There, I’ve said my peace. Now stop staring at me.
Go away.
Or stay and read something else. Go on, I dare you!


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I read the third volume the other day and am happy to report that the story just keeps getting better. The world keeps expanding in jaw dropping new ways. The characters gain new-found depths that really pull you in and make you root for them. Take for example Death who’s just out there looking for revenge on the jack-jaws who stole his son.
I love it when writers take on a challenging character (like Death who’s sort of sociopathic) and make them sympathetic and likable. Well, actually I don’t know how likable Death is, but he sure is sympathetic.
The art, as always, is phenomenal. This is one of those stories that you can spend an afternoon just staring at the gorgeous art. Highly recommend.

Anyways, that’s officially all I got to say. Before you leave how ‘bout you drop down to the comments and give me a comic recommendation. What are some of your favorites?

Ooh, also, if you haven’t already, get over to Goodreads and sign up for your chance to win a FREE SIGNED COPY of TIME HEIST! If you miss out, you’re gonna be bummed. Just sayin’…


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