Want to win a FREE signed copy of Time Heist? Well, you’re in luck. Take two minutes to follow this LINK! over to Goodreads and sign up for the Giveway. The winner will be announced on January, 4th.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re saying, hells yeah I want a free book, I’ll sign up…later. but I urge you to reconsider. What with the holidays and blizzards on the way I’m guessing you’re gonna forget.

Forget what?

See!? I told you!

So here’s what you do. Go sign up, like right now, and then shoot me an email at Anthony at OneLazyRobot dot com and I’ll send you a free short story. So even if you lose you still win. Can’t beat that.

Okay, break on three.

One, two, three! Go!


Here’s the LINK again, in case you missed it. Now really, stop reading this. Go sign-up.


  1. Goodreads Giveaway! | Mama Bear Musings on December 4, 2014 at 7:24 pm

    […] Goodreads Giveaway!. […]

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