Duck and cover! Shameless self-promotion incoming!!!

We got less than a week until Time Heist hits the shelves. If you haven’t already, get over to Amazon and pre-order your digital copy. If you’re waiting for the paperback, no fear, that also will be available on the 1st (there’s just no pre-order option for that, yet).

Click me!

I tell you what, I want to sweeten the pot for those of you sitting on the fence. If you pre-order today and email me at saying, “Dude, I totally picked up a copy, so psyched. Ahhh, head’s about to ‘splode!” Then I’ll send you a FREE copy of Standing Kill Orderlies with the Bonus short story Infidelity included for not other reason than I like the cut of your jib.

Free is good. Very good.

Free is good. Very good.

So what are you waiting for? Go secure your copy of Time Heist and get back over here so I can shower you with free words!


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