In an ironic twist, this trailer just blipped across my radar because the group One Million Moms is petitioning Fox to drop it. Lucifer is based on a fairly popular comic series, and I’m sure–true to Fox form–they’ll ruin this show, but I got to admit, I really want to see this. Partly because the trailer looks interesting and partly because I hate the uptight types who think they can ban art simply because it doesn’t agree with their worldview.

What’re your thoughts? Should the devil be banned from network television? I mean, hell, it can’t be any worse than The Kardashians, right?


  1. Shauna on May 29, 2015 at 2:42 am

    Is it possible for anything to be worse than the Kardashians?

    And I’m with you. It’s the banning of Art that should be banned. If parents have issues with the shows that are on television, or the video games that are out there, or the books or the movies, they have a very real course of action. Stand up, be a parent and tell their kids “NO”. Weird concept, the actually having to parent their children, pay attention to their past-times and make judgement calls, but oddly enough, it’s a practice that actually works.

    • AntVicino on May 29, 2015 at 11:16 pm

      Ya know, I would say no, there is nothing worse than the Kardashians. Even shows like Lucifer or Dexter which take despicable characters and make them sympathetic are better because atleast those are fiction. The Kardashians are (nominally) reality based which absolutely scares the shit out of me. How are there people like that out there in the world? *shivers*

      But in the end, whatevs… nobody is forcing me to watch Kardashians so it’s all water off my back anyhow. Same can be said with Lucifer. Don’t like it? Don’t watch it. Don’t want your kids to watch it? Well, then don’t let them. Problem solved. Next!

  2. sarahmarshfiction on May 29, 2015 at 4:14 pm

    I am so confused as to why they think this show would be considered ‘indecent’? Its a science fiction/paranormal show based on a comic book, which took the idea from another work of fiction that just happens to be much older. I’m not trying to be offensive to those of you who are religious, but I simply am not. I don’t start a petition saying that all religious information is offensive to me, I mind my own afterlife and I suggest they all do the same. I watched the trailer and I really don’t see how it can be any worse than most of what’s already on TV in their eyes. Its pretty simple to put parental locks on your satellite box, maybe if they spent less time judging other people and other things they would have more time to raise their children to be the way they think their children should be? (Which would probably end up being worse!)
    Let’s have them worry about something REAL…like their kids growing up to be bullies, or sociopaths…or worse, mindless sheep who use religion as an excuse to judge and live a hateful life instead of being happy. But lets not have them worry about their children identifying with make-believe characters in a tv show….besides, the Lucifer character seems to come across in the trailer like he’s not a bad sort at all. Short of a little self-indulgence and the whole ‘trying to get out of going back to work’ issue….but who hasn’t had a job they hate right?
    All in all, I think the trailer looks great and I’m looking forward to seeing it!

    • AntVicino on May 29, 2015 at 11:13 pm

      From start to finish, you and I are in agreement, Sarah!

  3. noelleg44 on May 29, 2015 at 10:35 pm

    The trailer didn’t play well, so I’m not sure of the content. It certainly can’t be worse than the Kardashians (pure trash) or Honey Boo Boo- neither of which I would let my young kids watch (if i had any). Parents can TURN OFF THE TV.

    • AntVicino on May 29, 2015 at 11:11 pm

      Precisely. Instead of petitioning to have something removed, do the good parenting act and turn it off. Pretty simple resolution.

      If you’re belief system is so fragile that you can’t stand to see it questioned, well, you might have bigger issues to work through than worrying about what’s on tv.

      • noelleg44 on May 29, 2015 at 11:21 pm

        There is a limit, though, Anthony, and TV is approaching the line pretty quickly.

  4. AntVicino on May 30, 2015 at 4:31 pm

    TV certainly goes out of its way to provoke the drama. No denying that.

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