Since it first hit the shelves in 1936, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, has been the definitive text in the world of influence and interpersonal dynamics. The only other book even remotely in the same league as How to Win Friends is perhaps Robert Cialdini’s Influence: The Power of Persuasion.…

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Rothfuss vs Sanderson Style I found myself in a particularly heated debate the other night (which shouldn’t come as a surprise considering I host a podcast alongside some friends that is entirely focused on the fine art of debate/argument) about the relative merits of two distinctive camps of writing style. If you’ve already glanced at…

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Into the Digital Catacombs We Go I went full Indiana Jones on my writing hard drive this morning. Plumbing the depths of your old content never fails to enlighten. It’s also good if you’re in need of a good cringefest (gotta keep those facial muscles nice and tone, after-all). They say good writing is good…

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My hard-drive is littered with carcasses. It’s a literary graveyard. Overflowing with the remains of sweet, beautiful little darlings cut down in the prime of their lives. And with every darling I’ve ever butchered, I died a little inside. Some of you will understand my murderous tendencies. Others are edging their way towards the door/back…

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[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″] [et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] Fasten your seatbelts, Buckaroos! Today we’re talking about voice (or perhaps more specifically, STYLE), which is a slippery eel of a topic if ever there were one, so we’re gonna have to come at it all sneaky like from a couple different angles and hopefully one of…

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Barbara from the Reading Experience blogged about the power of voice and how it can make all the difference for a reader. She goes through and mentions some of her favorite “voice” authors (and you know, might have mentioned somebody we both know. *cough cough* just sayin’). Barbara is a crazy avid reader, so if…

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