Into the Digital Catacombs We Go I went full Indiana Jones on my writing hard drive this morning. Plumbing the depths of your old content never fails to enlighten. It’s also good if you’re in need of a good cringefest (gotta keep those facial muscles nice and tone, after-all). They say good writing is good…

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Ah, the sidekick. An oft overlooked, but (if done properly) ever present force for your storytelling good. When I wrote Cheating Your Way To Likable Characters, I talked a bit about how giving your main character a friend is one of the most important things you can do in establishing your main character’s likability. A…

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A lot goes into writing a good story, unless somehow you’ve made BFF’s with a Muse. If that’s the case you don’t need me, and you should go frolicking through fields of daisies, jerk. For the rest of us, there are a lot of aspects of good storytelling that require conscious attention. These range from having good…

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