Stranger Things splashed down last year on Netflix and made all sorts of waves. It’s an impressive mix of nostalgic throw-back to a simpler time when life was spent nerding out in the basement with a handful of close buddies, coupled with the sort of paranormal horror story you can only truly achieve when the…

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Agent Carter, if you don’t know, follows Peggy Carter, Captain America’s Best Girl (when did we stop referring to people as the best girl? I like the ranking system this label implies), as she works for SSR which is some branch of the United States Intelligence community, maybe similar to the CIA? The show itself…

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Let’s lead with this: I love superhero stories, even when they’re really bad. I’m thinking Superman Spiderman (d’oh!) 2 and 3 with Tobey Maguire bad. Or Batman & Robin with Arnold Schwarzennegger roaming around as Mr. Freeze bad. Call it a weakness, I just have a soft spot for them. I admit, the Polar Bear slippers…

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