The reviews for Time Heist have been pouring in over the last few days and my cheeks are just blushing with all the positive feedback. As a writer you try not to pay too much attention to reviews (despite how important they are) for fear that negative feedback will suck out your soul like a…

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You like free stories, right? Sure you do. The person who hates free stories is pretty much the same kind of person who hates puppies. You don’t hate puppies, do you? Of course you don’t. So listen closely, I’m gonna let you in on a little known secret: by signing up for the One Lazy…

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I know, you’ve been busy. I get that. The holidays are crazy what with all the reborn deities and fat men in red pajama’s riding enslaved reindeer, and.. and.. and… Stop. Calm down, take a deep breath. I got a little somethin’, somethin’, for ya. Close your eyes and hold out your hand. No? Okay,…

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