We’ll keep this short and sweet my fellow bookaphiles (<– pretty sure that’s a thing). I’m giving away digital copies of Time Heist to the first three people to pop over to Amazon and sign-up! That’s right. Time is of the essence. Click the pic below right now to win your very own copy of Time…

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I’ve been dead to the world this last week ’cause my lady and I have been shoulder deep in a cross country move. At the moment, I write to you from the world’s largest Starbucks which you might be surprised to learn resides in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. (Full disclosure: the title of world’s largest…

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I’m knee deep in a robo-baby short story over here, but I wanted to give you all a little somethin’-somethin’ to keep you entertained on this Sunday afternoon. Coincidentally, it tag-teams off my previous post about really lame superhero costumes (how’s that for bringing things around full circle?). One of the comments in that post…

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Let’s lead with this: I love superhero stories, even when they’re really bad. I’m thinking Superman Spiderman (d’oh!) 2 and 3 with Tobey Maguire bad. Or Batman & Robin with Arnold Schwarzennegger roaming around as Mr. Freeze bad. Call it a weakness, I just have a soft spot for them. I admit, the Polar Bear slippers…

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I’ll be honest, the first couple Fantastic Four movies kind of sucked. That’s not helped by the fact that in the grand pantheon of Marvel Superhero’s the Fantastic Four are kind of lame, but hey, what can I say? I’m a sucker for a superhero movie (yes, I watched Daredevil with Ben Affleck multiple times,…

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Yaay, it’s short story Monday! Tuesday! It’s not a thing, but we’re gonna pretend like it is. Here’s a little short story I wrote way back when. Want more free short stories? Head over to OneLazyRobot and you can scrounge up some more. Super Hero Woes “With great power comes great responsibility.” -Uncle Ben from…

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