Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer Review I’m a little late to the part, but the new Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer dropped yesterday. There was a lot of wariness surrounding the Star Wars IP when Disney took over the franchise, but I’ve been nothing but tinkled pink with the last two Star Wars…

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Chuck Wendig is a septic-dumpster fire I absolutely can’t get enough of. If you’ve spent any time wandering the One Lazy Robot halls, you’ll know by now that I have a bit of a writer crush on the bearded cantaloupe. I’ve followed his career for the better part of five years now, which has been…

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CLICK HERE for Time Heist Audiobok! Rejoice, people! The long awaited Time Heist audiobook is finally here! Thanks to everybody for their patience, I know I’ve been saying “It’s coming, it’s coming,” for awhile now. But alas it’s here, and I’m really excited to share it with ya’ll. Adam Verner, the narrator, did a fantastic…

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Ah, the sidekick. An oft overlooked, but (if done properly) ever present force for your storytelling good. When I wrote Cheating Your Way To Likable Characters, I talked a bit about how giving your main character a friend is one of the most important things you can do in establishing your main character’s likability. A…

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The recent Star Wars teaser trailer took the internuts by storm. People are going absolutely Lady Gaga over all the tiny little details. Ooh, new stormtrooper armor. Ahh, a black stormtrooper! Eeeeeh, a claymore lightsaber!! BWAAAAAAH!!! Harrison Ford isn’t dead! Okay, okay, that last one is pretty cool, I admit. Despite the way George Lucas…

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The other day I was in the bookstore and overhead two people talking about this year’s Hugo Awards. One guy was telling his female compatriot all about how some people cheated the voting process and hijacked the awards in attempt to push their own right wing conservative politics…or something like that. Truth was, and he…

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Yesterday we crammed a circus’ worth of clowns into a car and went rock climbing up near the Sierra’s. In between random singing seizures emphasizing how much I am all about that bass (and never that treble), we had an interesting conversation about the delineation between Science Fiction and Fantasy. In particular we had the…

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