On The Protean Shore is officially out and about for only $0.99! Let’s keep this short and sweet. My newest short story, On The Protean Shore, is now available for visual consumption over at Amazon HERE’S A LINK! Need a bit more convincing? Here’s a tasty little blurb: Some promises are better left broken. Riley’s…

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How It All Began About two years ago I get approached by a guy in a darkened cyber-alley saying he’s putting together a little anthology. Says it’ll be centered around the theme of Afterlife. Says he wants me to throw a story together for it. I squint into the pixelated gloom and wait for my pupils…

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Hey Everybody!! It’s the day you’ve all been awaiting with eager anticipation, sweaty palms, and trembling knees: EXTANT re-release day has finally arrived!!! Wait, what do you mean those aren’t sweaty palms? Their just wet because you forgot to dry them after using the restroom? Oh… well, that doesn’t explain the trembly knees. You must…

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Back in October I was honored to have my story (Extant) included in Samuel Peralta’s best-selling short story anthology, The Time Travel Chronicles. It’s a fast-paced action-adventure with some time-manipulating secret agents fighting to save the world. It was a ton of fun to write (and hopefully you’ll find it fun to read!). On February…

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Psst…hey, hey you. Yeah, you. Come over here. I have something to tell you. No, just trust me, come closer. It’s best if I whisper this seductively in your ear? What’s that? Did I say seductively? No, of course not, that’s weird. Stop inching away and giving me those worried eyes. Come back here! Okay, fine.…

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It’s official: My latest short story, Purgatory, is finally available for pre-order over on the Amazon. It’s only $0.99 so what’re you waiting for? Pop on over while it’s still fresh in your mind, grab a copy, and then sit back and wait with sweat slicked palms for Amazon to deliver Purgatory to your e-reader on December 1st!…

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We all know how important starting strong is, right? That first sentence needs to stick a finger in the reader’s mouth and say, “You’re coming with me, Jack.” Or Jill, whatever your name is. That first sentence drags the reader (kicking and screaming if need be) into the first paragraph, which leads to the second…

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Looking for an excellent collection of short stories centered around the theme of Time Travel? Of course you are. What with all the hype around Back to the Future recently, I know you’re all dying to sate that time warping hunger burning in your gut. And here’s your opportunity: The Time Travel Chronicles from mega-curating superstar, Samuel Peralta, are officially on pre-order!…

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