On The Protean Shore is officially out and about for only $0.99! Let’s keep this short and sweet. My newest short story, On The Protean Shore, is now available for visual consumption over at Amazon HERE’S A LINK! Need a bit more convincing? Here’s a tasty little blurb: Some promises are better left broken. Riley’s…

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How It All Began About two years ago I get approached by a guy in a darkened cyber-alley saying he’s putting together a little anthology. Says it’ll be centered around the theme of Afterlife. Says he wants me to throw a story together for it. I squint into the pixelated gloom and wait for my pupils…

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It’s a little late, but you readers are a patient bunch. Actually, some of you really aren’t. You all can thank the dozen or so people who’ve been consistently harping on me to give up the ghost and share my Top 10 Books of 2017. 2017 was a down year for me in terms of…

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Preorder Mind Breach Today! That’s right. Mind Breach is coming and there’s little you, me, or those blasted, meddling kids can do to stop it. At this point we might as well curl into little balls and await the inevitable destruction. Wait…why am I coaching the release of Time Heist’s sequel in such cataclysmic terms?…

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Setting the Scene Pacing your story so that the action rises and falls all at the key moments is difficult. An entire weekend long masterclass could be dedicated to this singular aspect of storytelling, because there are (simply put) a metric-fuck-ton of ways to screw up your story’s pacing. Now don’t stress out if you’re…

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What I Wish I’d Known Then… I wish I’d known then just how hard it was going to be. Lord knows how many people were screaming from the mountaintop, “The road is paved in treachery. Beware!” Somehow their words fell on deaf ears. I wish I’d known then just how powerful my desire for distraction…

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Samuel Peralta has carved a name for himself in Indie publishing as the godfather of the wickedly popular anthology The Future Chronicles which, at last glance, has over 20 volumes out, with a whole slew slated for the very near future. His newest release, Dominion Rising, a collaborative effort alongside a stable of 23 other amazing…

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