So some of you may or may not already know that earlier this month it was announced I’d be joining The Leighgendarium to write one or two Indie oriented reviews per month. Well, yesterday I decided to start it off with a bang and do a “Top-7 short stories of 2015” list. If you’re into…

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Whew, the last couple days have been busy, busy, busy. I finished up the first draft of the novella I’m tentatively calling Nemesis and now I’m about elbows deep in the second draft. Coupled on top of that are the ongoing edits and redrafts of Infinity Lost and Mind Breach (books 1.5 and 2 in the…

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I apologize, the last few posts have been shamelessly plugging my own book, but I promise, that’s behind us….for now. Let’s get back to the basics and review a couple books I read last week. But wait, hold up, before we do, I’ve got a little proposition for you. So, uh… why don’t you shuffle…

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I took a short morning break from working on Mind Breach to churn out a little vignette for you guys. It’s short, and rough (no proofreading or spell-check for this guy!), but I thought I’d share it to give an inside look into my first-draft process. First drafts aren’t always coherent, and rarely any good,…

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It’s coming a day late, but I have a feeling you’ll forgive me… right? *ominously waves a pair of children’s scissors* And yes, that’s a threat. Forgive me my tardiness, or else! Oh, really? Just like that? Well, thank you. I didn’t expect that to be so easy. You’re very agreeable. *ominously puts pair of…

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Yep, it’s here. I’ve been looking forward to this for awhile, and now that it’s here I’m doing a bit of a pee-pee dance of excitement. The Wachowski’s haven’t done much since The Matrix that has really hit home with me, but I’m looking forward to Jupiter Ascending for one reason alone: *checks notes* I…

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