Altered Carbon Review I’m going to kick this thing off by quoting part of book review I did for Altered Carbon way back in 2015: “Altered Carbon has absolutely everything you could want out of a futuristic cyber-punk, mystery thriller. A compelling lead character not so dissimilar from Han Solo, a murder mystery that’ll leave…

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer Review I’m a little late to the part, but the new Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer dropped yesterday. There was a lot of wariness surrounding the Star Wars IP when Disney took over the franchise, but I’ve been nothing but tinkled pink with the last two Star Wars…

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The Emperor’s Blades Brian Staveley splashed down into the cold, dark sea of epic fantasy back in 2014 with his debut novel, The Emporer’s Blades. My girlfriend at the time consumed it in about 13 microseconds and then proceeded to tell me, for roughly the next year and a half how I should most definitely…

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Samuel Peralta has carved a name for himself in Indie publishing as the godfather of the wickedly popular anthology The Future Chronicles which, at last glance, has over 20 volumes out, with a whole slew slated for the very near future. His newest release, Dominion Rising, a collaborative effort alongside a stable of 23 other amazing…

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You might’ve noticed by now that I’m super into books about productivity and human behavior. I’ve got some pretty severe ADHD lurking up in my skull, and I figured out pretty early in life that the key to my personal productivity was almost entirely dependent on my ability to create habits, routines, and systems that…

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Street thug Riko has some serious issues—memories wiped, reputation tanked, girlfriend turned into a tech-fueled zombie. And the only people who can help are the mercenaries who think she screwed them over. In an apathetic society devoid of ethics or regulation, where fusing tech and flesh can mean a killing edge or a killer conversion,…

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We’ll keep this short and sweet my fellow bookaphiles (<– pretty sure that’s a thing). I’m giving away digital copies of Time Heist to the first three people to pop over to Amazon and sign-up! That’s right. Time is of the essence. Click the pic below right now to win your very own copy of Time…

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Barbara from the Reading Experience blogged about the power of voice and how it can make all the difference for a reader. She goes through and mentions some of her favorite “voice” authors (and you know, might have mentioned somebody we both know. *cough cough* just sayin’). Barbara is a crazy avid reader, so if…

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CLICK HERE TO READ FULL REVIEW AT SF SIGNAL! Anne Leckie’s Imperial Radch series has been one of the hottest SFF topics in the last couple years. After Ancillary Justice stormed on the scene to win the Hugo (and pretty much every other notable award to boot), expectations were high for the rest of the trilogy. The…

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  Martha’s Bookshelf has just reviewed the Time Heist audiobook and is giving away 3 FREE copies of the ebook and 1 FREE copy of the audiobook.   “The primary characters are intense and strongly flawed. The addiction aspects are interesting even as they are repellent.” – Martha If you’ve been wanting to snag a copy of Time Heist,…

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