I’m sitting in a boba-tea shop sipping down some tapioca balls of goodness and I got to thinking about the book I finished reading last night: Binti by Nnedi Okorafor. For those of you who’ve never read anything from Okorafor, Binti would be a splendid introduction. Published through Tor.com’s novella program, Binti is only about 50…

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I don’t like using the One Lazy Robot blog to tout my own books too much, but every now and then I get a review that makes me smile and I have the irresistible urge to share with ya’ll. This week I had two such reviews. First came a review for Parallel from loyal reader,…

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Howdy kiddos and grownos (<– I’m making that into a word, so deal with it) last week I was giving away free copies of Standing Kill Orderlies. If you missed the boat, no worries, I’m back again this week with another free offer. Click the pic to be magically transported to Amazon where you can…

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A lot goes into writing a good story, unless somehow you’ve made BFF’s with a Muse. If that’s the case you don’t need me, and you should go frolicking through fields of daisies, jerk. For the rest of us, there are a lot of aspects of good storytelling that require conscious attention. These range from having good…

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I took a short morning break from working on Mind Breach to churn out a little vignette for you guys. It’s short, and rough (no proofreading or spell-check for this guy!), but I thought I’d share it to give an inside look into my first-draft process. First drafts aren’t always coherent, and rarely any good,…

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You like free stories, right? Sure you do. The person who hates free stories is pretty much the same kind of person who hates puppies. You don’t hate puppies, do you? Of course you don’t. So listen closely, I’m gonna let you in on a little known secret: by signing up for the One Lazy…

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I know you’ve been waiting for it… Wait. Really? You weren’t? Poop. Anyways, regardless of whether or not you were waiting for it, it’s here. Parallel’s Free on Amazon for the next couple days. Now, e-books, especially this one, are great because they can be used to fend off the digital zombie invasion, can be…

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