Preorder Mind Breach Today! That’s right. Mind Breach is coming and there’s little you, me, or those blasted, meddling kids can do to stop it. At this point we might as well curl into little balls and await the inevitable destruction. Wait…why am I coaching the release of Time Heist’s sequel in such cataclysmic terms?…

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I apologize, the last few posts have been shamelessly plugging my own book, but I promise, that’s behind us….for now. Let’s get back to the basics and review a couple books I read last week. But wait, hold up, before we do, I’ve got a little proposition for you. So, uh… why don’t you shuffle…

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The reviews for Time Heist have been pouring in over the last few days and my cheeks are just blushing with all the positive feedback. As a writer you try not to pay too much attention to reviews (despite how important they are) for fear that negative feedback will suck out your soul like a…

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