A great short-little flick. Sort of cheesy animation, but the music is fantastic, and the story (without any words/dialogue) is pretty awesome. Give it a whirl! Nightfall from Valentin Schwind on Vimeo.

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What we got here is a bona fide pickle wrapped enigma, and we don’t have all day to go beating the perimeter of any bushes, so slide into your Haz-Mat suits and let’s dive right into the goop. If this is your first time donning your Haz-Mat suit go ahead and look to the fella…

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The Quest For The Golden Fleeced North Face Jacket So you’re back for more, eh? A glutton for punishment if ever I’ve seen one. I don’t know if that’s something to be proud of, but it’s certainly something. No, no, don’t be ashamed. I’m just kidding. Hold your head high and be proud, cause nobody…

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