“Your need for acceptance can make you invisible to the world.” Welcome back for another dose of Monday Motivation! We’re gonna kick-start the week with some words from a man known more for being funny than poignant, but there are a couple nuggets in here I think we could all use a reminder on occasion.…

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Here, bite down on this. It’s time for your weekly jolt of motivation. This week we’re talking about the single most important thing you can invest your time, money, and energy into: Yourself. Forget fancy new gadgets designed to make you more productive. Forget get rich schemes promising you the secret formula to success. Forget…

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You might’ve noticed by now that I’m super into books about productivity and human behavior. I’ve got some pretty severe ADHD lurking up in my skull, and I figured out pretty early in life that the key to my personal productivity was almost entirely dependent on my ability to create habits, routines, and systems that…

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Let me just throw this out there real quick; I love setting goals. There’s something exhilarating about putting together a to-do list and actually marking that shit off. I’m pretty sure that’s why most people make grocery lists. That right there is an easy list to mark-off, unless you’re like me and forget your list…

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What we got here is a bona fide pickle wrapped enigma, and we don’t have all day to go beating the perimeter of any bushes, so slide into your Haz-Mat suits and let’s dive right into the goop. If this is your first time donning your Haz-Mat suit go ahead and look to the fella…

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The Quest For The Golden Fleeced North Face Jacket So you’re back for more, eh? A glutton for punishment if ever I’ve seen one. I don’t know if that’s something to be proud of, but it’s certainly something. No, no, don’t be ashamed. I’m just kidding. Hold your head high and be proud, cause nobody…

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