“There are losers, and there are people who have not yet learned how to win.” Well, well, well…look what the cat dragged in. If it isn’t another sad, pathetic, good for nothing, mangy Monday. Nah, I’m just kidding. There’s nothing fundamentally different about a Monday. Just another day labeled as arbitrarily as the day that…

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This week’s Monday Motivation is a straight-up kidney punch of intensity as serial entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk lays it all out there nice and neat about the primary thing holding 90% of us back. This particular video hits close to home for me. I have a soft spot for learning, and if given even half-a-chance I’d…

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“If you are going to try, go all the way.” The weekend has come and gone, and now it’s time to dive into another week of work, right? Wrong, bucko! The weekend does not mean workend. On the contrary, if anything, it means “time to double down and work even harder“. Whatever it is you want…

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Here, bite down on this. It’s time for your weekly jolt of motivation. This week we’re talking about the single most important thing you can invest your time, money, and energy into: Yourself. Forget fancy new gadgets designed to make you more productive. Forget get rich schemes promising you the secret formula to success. Forget…

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Today’s video to get you psyched to tackle your week comes straight out of the ’90’s! So buckle up, baby, we’re dusting off the Delorean. :   Now scamper down to the comments and tell me your favorite chunk of popcorn advice. Maybe it’s from the video, maybe it’s from the homeless guy outside that…

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