There’s not much I can say about Saga that hasn’t already been said by people with significantly sexier accents than me, but I’ll try. First thing you should know about Saga is that the writer, Brian K. Vaughan, is the same pen wielding fella that wrote Y: The Last Man. I can’t remember if I’ve…

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Oof, it’s been a couple weeks since I did a book review. Let’s see if I can remember how to these things are supposed to go. *fiddles with the magic box inside of which I keep all my reviewing super-powers* Uh… hrm… Who put a dead cricket inside my magic reviewing super-powers box? Oh, wait.…

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Alright, let’s keep this quick and dirty. I picked up this fairly new comic series called East of West a few weeks back. So far there are three books in the series, but I’ve only managed to read the first two. I plan on picking up the third one, but the other day on my…

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Hey guys, quick post here. Looking for some book recommendations to kick your week off? Check these out. Elantrist for your fantasy needs. Darwin Elevator for your sci-fi action adventure needs. Y: The Last Man for your graphic novel needs!   Anthony

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