I find this woman incredibly inspiring. Not because she doesn’t conform to traditional, preconceived notions of what it means to be an athlete. But because she is unafraid to pursue her passion despite what anybody else might think. We spend a lot of time worrying about what other people think of us. This constant, invisible…

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Between unannounced projects cropping up like hydra’s and a trio of computers cahooting to end the tyranny of their human overlord by committing near simultaneous suicide, the last month or so has been wonky. Which is why ya’ll haven’t seen me in a hot minute. But now I’m back and I’m gonna do a blitzkrieg…

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Here we go, a tag-team follow up on yesterdays post pertaining to Goals and Dream Killing. Hopefully you’ve had some time to gestate on the year currently bidding us adieu, and the one about to kick down the door with size 2015 boots. Next week I’m gonna sit down and lay out my goals for…

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Let me just throw this out there real quick; I love setting goals. There’s something exhilarating about putting together a to-do list and actually marking that shit off. I’m pretty sure that’s why most people make grocery lists. That right there is an easy list to mark-off, unless you’re like me and forget your list…

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