A great short-little flick. Sort of cheesy animation, but the music is fantastic, and the story (without any words/dialogue) is pretty awesome. Give it a whirl! Nightfall from Valentin Schwind on Vimeo.

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Here’s a two-fer! Boy, this has been a great month for Indie Cyberpunk. For me, atleast. I’ve had this deep rooted affection for cyberpunk since reading William Gibson’s Neuromancer and Neil Stephenson’s Snow Crash. That love is nestled in my loins next to my affinity for peanut butter and cereal. Though, not necessarily together. Unless…

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Alright, let’s keep this quick and dirty. I picked up this fairly new comic series called East of West a few weeks back. So far there are three books in the series, but I’ve only managed to read the first two. I plan on picking up the third one, but the other day on my…

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What we got here is a bona fide pickle wrapped enigma, and we don’t have all day to go beating the perimeter of any bushes, so slide into your Haz-Mat suits and let’s dive right into the goop. If this is your first time donning your Haz-Mat suit go ahead and look to the fella…

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The Quest For The Golden Fleeced North Face Jacket So you’re back for more, eh? A glutton for punishment if ever I’ve seen one. I don’t know if that’s something to be proud of, but it’s certainly something. No, no, don’t be ashamed. I’m just kidding. Hold your head high and be proud, cause nobody…

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